View Full Version : Question about new fish

10-29-2015, 09:51 AM
I would like to buy 6- 3 to 3 1/2 inch fish. They would be in there own 75 with 3 hydro 5 sponges. My question is this- I,m going to Florida for 2 weeks at the end of January. Would this length of time without food have a serious effect on there growth or should I just wait until I get back to get fish? I should add that I don't have anyone to take care of them while I'm gone

10-29-2015, 03:28 PM
That's 3 months away, so if you care for them properly, they'd be nearly 5" by then and can easily handle 2 weeks without food. Just be sure to stop feeding them at least 24 hours before you leave, then do a HUGE water change the day you leave. Turn off the lights and walk away. =)