View Full Version : grow out tank size?

11-09-2015, 11:28 AM
A pair have been constantly laying eggs in a community tank for some time. I had a 29 gallon lying around so figured why not just throw them in there with a flower pot and see what happens? Well, About 3-4 weeks later I was about to give up hope until I came home to eggs and I do mean a sh*t ton of them (looked like 100 isn). They looked opaque white to me (slightly color blind) and just thought I would let them try a few times. After three days they turned into wigglers to my amazement. So now I have well over 50+ wigglers all over this flower pot. the two parents seem a little over whelmed trying to keep them in the same area. So my question is....lets say 30 of these guys actually make it, what size grow out tank do you think I should get. I can get a 55 or a 75 locally for 1$ per gallon. Just not sure which one would be better.

I am trying to be really hands off and just see what they can do on their own. I am only going to assist with water changes and frozen baby brine shrimp at the 4th day after they become free swimming.

11-09-2015, 01:08 PM
Get the 75.


11-09-2015, 06:05 PM
Get the 75.


Curious to know what capacity a 75 gallons will hold in terms of the number of discus fry in relation to their size assuming with good water changes without stunting the discus

11-09-2015, 06:07 PM
Curious to know what capacity a 75 gallons will hold in terms of the number of fry in relation to their size assuming with good water changes

I am currently growing out a group of 24 in a 75g tank. Shorly though, I will have to sell a few to give the remaining ones a chance to swing around. On average, the discus are roughly 3.5-4" now.

This is to show you an example as to how many you can keep in the 75g. I will eventually only end up with 7-8

11-10-2015, 07:47 PM
I am currently growing out a group of 24 in a 75g tank. Shorly though, I will have to sell a few to give the remaining ones a chance to swing around. On average, the discus are roughly 3.5-4" now.

This is to show you an example as to how many you can keep in the 75g. I will eventually only end up with 7-8

how long did it take to get them to that size. what are you water changes and feeding schedule like?

11-11-2015, 07:11 PM
just upgraded to swimmers.... never knew i would be this excited. i did see a good amount of dead wigglers around the flower pot due to my own fault I'm sure. but alas first time..not even sure what the yellow checker board and the orange one (i think pigeon snake skin) will look like to be honest.

11-12-2015, 12:34 AM
how long did it take to get them to that size. what are you water changes and feeding schedule like?

I received the discus about 3 months ago and they were right around the 1" mark. Since then, most have reached 3.5" easily and a few are close to 4.5". I do daily 60% water changes and haven't missed one yet in the 3 months.

I feed a lot of BH but I do feed a very varied diet of the following:

Al's Diskus Gold pellets
Forrests D4 pellets
Bill's BH flakes

They get fed about 5-6 times a day.

11-12-2015, 04:30 AM
I am currently growing out a group of 24 in a 75g tank. Shorly though, I will have to sell a few to give the remaining ones a chance to swing around. On average, the discus are roughly 3.5-4" now.

This is to show you an example as to how many you can keep in the 75g. I will eventually only end up with 7-8

How much can you put in a 55 gallon at 1 inch? As they grow how much should there be in the tank to not stunt them?

11-12-2015, 08:05 AM
I received the discus about 3 months ago and they were right around the 1" mark. Since then, most have reached 3.5" easily and a few are close to 4.5". I do daily 60% water changes and haven't missed one yet in the 3 months.

I feed a lot of BH but I do feed a very varied diet of the following:

Al's Diskus Gold pellets
Forrests D4 pellets
Bill's BH flakes

They get fed about 5-6 times a day.

Do you age your water or use ro?

11-12-2015, 09:06 AM
If you are talking about growing them to adulthood and getting them to pair off my answer would be 10. If you are asking about 1 inch fry roughly 200.


11-12-2015, 11:34 PM
If you are talking about growing them to adulthood and getting them to pair off my answer would be 10. If you are asking about 1 inch fry roughly 200.


I agree with John 100%. I got my initial group of 25 at 1" knowing that one day I would sell off all but 8. If you are planning to only grow out and sell the rest, then you can grow a whole batch in the 55 for a while, but you will soon need to upgrade to 75+. This is why most breeders sell at 3-4"

11-13-2015, 06:00 PM
looks like not many are left. I bought the 75 gallon. I will start aging water for a day or or so (as i empty 10-20 gallons daily ill just fill it back up) and see if i can get more to survive that way instead of just using water straight from the faucet

11-14-2015, 03:06 AM
I agree with John 100%. I got my initial group of 25 at 1" knowing that one day I would sell off all but 8. If you are planning to only grow out and sell the rest, then you can grow a whole batch in the 55 for a while, but you will soon need to upgrade to 75+. This is why most breeders sell at 3-4"

You can keep about 200 until 3-4"? This wouldn't cause them to get stunted? When do you start culling them?

11-14-2015, 03:19 AM
No, not to 4" and maybe not even 3". Again, tank upgrades would come quick

11-18-2015, 09:34 PM
Well. Only one swimmer survived. And in good fashion with that one swimmer attached to mommy they laid eggs again. Just picked up and filled up a 75 gallon. I'll wait three days and start changing 10 gallons twice a day from it. Hopefully this time will be better.