View Full Version : quarantine tank guidelines

11-11-2015, 08:25 PM
So I was curious of what some of the experienced discus owners quarantine rituals are for new fish. For example do you preemptively deworm, shotgun medicate, or just observe and react? What behavior patterns are you looking for at what times (I ask the second part to that question because I know you can get a lot of false behavior symptoms do to stress)? How many fish do you quarantine at once? Also if you do use preemptive medication can you please name the product you use.

Thank you.

11-11-2015, 09:43 PM
This will help while you wait for others to chime in

11-11-2015, 11:55 PM
Observe for the 6 weeks. If anything is off, deal with it in the QT, but meds shouldn't be the first resort.

11-12-2015, 05:20 AM
If you are starting a brand new tank, do you need to quarantine the fish that you get?

11-12-2015, 11:36 PM
If you are starting a brand new tank, do you need to quarantine the fish that you get?

No. QT is an excersize to minimize exposure from one group to another. If the tank is set up for them, then they are the lucky group. Any fish (not only discus) after them will have to go in to QT.

11-13-2015, 03:20 AM
I just finished with an six week QT period with an batch of seven 3" discus. This time I followed the QT procedures outlined by Brewmaster 15. Been an week since new fish were added to established tank with other discus and noticed so far all fish doing excellent together.

11-13-2015, 10:49 AM
I just finished with an six week QT period with an batch of seven 3" discus. This time I followed the QT procedures outlined by Brewmaster 15. Been an week since new fish were added to established tank with other discus and noticed so far all fish doing excellent together.

Farebox,can you please share the link or the info with us, on Al's QT practice.
Just in case we've missed it.

11-13-2015, 12:57 PM
I just finished with an six week QT period with an batch of seven 3" discus. This time I followed the QT procedures outlined by Brewmaster 15. Been an week since new fish were added to established tank with other discus and noticed so far all fish doing excellent together.

Did you use a hero fish or just added them outright?

11-13-2015, 12:57 PM
Farebox,can you please share the link or the info with us, on Al's QT practice.
Just in case we've missed it.

Filip, I believe he may be referring to Al's video, which you can actually find on my signature.

11-16-2015, 05:37 PM
I "preemptively" medicate in that I will use Metronidazole and Praziquantel in quarantine to make sure many parasites are taken care of, especially when I'm not about the conditions the fish were kept in.

This works for me as a general quarantine procedure and these meds are relatively mild. The metro for about 6 days, the Prazi for about 10 days for flukes and intestinal parasites.

11-17-2015, 05:11 AM
I "preemptively" medicate in that I will use Metronidazole and Praziquantel in quarantine to make sure many parasites are taken care of, especially when I'm not about the conditions the fish were kept in.

This works for me as a general quarantine procedure and these meds are relatively mild. The metro for about 6 days, the Prazi for about 10 days for flukes and intestinal parasites.

Thanks for sharing your experience STU.

Second Hand Pat
11-17-2015, 09:00 AM
Farebox,can you please share the link or the info with us, on Al's QT practice.
Just in case we've missed it.

I think this is the thread Farebox is referring too http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?21044-Quarantine-*questions. Post 88 from the linked thread...Also Al's video is a must watch.

Hi all,
Just saw this and thought I would update. I do much of what I always have done.. though I do tailor it a bit different depending on the condition the fish come in...

For those interested..I had done several Discus Disease and Health Presentations over the years... The following are from a few pages of that presentation. HTH, al

Suggested Quarantine Procedures...
Receive fish: Place into a clean tank with aged (well aerated/pH stable warm water (85-87F). Use a well cycled bio filter.
Week One: Many Frequent water changes, observe fish behavior, and treat for anything specifically noted******. Be sure all fish are eating well and passing normal feces.
Week Two: Prophylactic deworming with Praziquantel for tape worms, several days latter deworm with general dewormer (levamisole) added to water as 24 hour bath
Week Three: Repeat Levamisole as 24 hour bath
Week Four: Let rest, nothing but water changes.
Week Five: Re-dose with Levamisole as 24 hour bath
Week Six: Quarantine is over if the fish are looking healthy and eating well and are not to be mixed with existing stock. If these are to be mixed with existing stock..add least favorite of existing stock (aka Test fish) to new fishes stock.
Week Six-Week Eight: Observe new stock and test fish. If all is well, most likely safe to mix all fish.
**** important note

Quarantine Common Sense:
Maintain complete separation of new stock from existing livestock.
Use separate nets, hoses, buckets, and siphons for each quarantine tank.
Separate rooms are much safer than in room quarantines.
Perform all maintenance on new stock’s quarantine tank after you are done with all existing tanks.
Wash hands and arms thoroughly after working in tanks.
Maintain optimum water quality, less stress means healthier fish
Tank should have a fully cycled bio-filter. Quarantining a group of fish is not the time to be cycling a tank!!!
Be vigilant… catching and treating a problem early on is better than latter when it may be harder or impossible to treat.

Brews Top 11 Discus Health Issues
1. Chemical Poisoning: Chlorine, Chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, heavy metals (ex. copper and iron), Medications. Suggested treatment…clean water and lots of it!
2. Dissolved gases: Low dissolved oxygen or high dissolved C02/nitrogen etc. Suggested treatment ...age and aerate water.
3. Improper Shipping and Handling Techniques: Suggested treatment…prophylactic screening of suppliers and buying only from reputable ones.
4. Improper care of Discus at Vendor’s Shop: Suggested treatment…prophylactic screening of suppliers and buying from reputable ones.
5. Well meaning but inappropriate or inaccurate advice. Suggested course of action…Check references…information abounds in the internet and pet shops, both good and bad info.
Improper care of Discus on the part of the hobbyist. To keep any fish, a basic knowledge of species requirements and needs exists…Discus require a bit more than basic knowledge. Suggested treatment…Learn as much as you can!!
7. Poor Tank Hygiene Syndrome: Suggested treatment….Be less stingy with the water changes and maintenance.
8. “Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Syndrome” A fish that is sickly or poor quality when you buy it isn’t going to miraculously turn into a beautiful specimen. Suggestion..start with obviously healthy stock, not obviously sickly or low grade stock.
9. Hobbyist Mediated Pandemic: Occurs when a hobbyist recklessly acquires many specimens in a short period of time from multiple sources…mixing these together with existing stock then leads to Immune Overload..aka..sick fish. Suggested treatment….Learn patience and adhere to a sound Quarantine plan!!
10. Nutritional deficiencies…Largely unknown how this affects Discus specifically.. But what we do know is that every animal needs an adequate diet.. Suggestion…feed a varied diet to your discus of quality foods.

And finally…… Number 11!!!!

11. Gill flukes, external and internal protozoans, nematodes, bacterial infections, viruses, “plagues”etc…..

Why is this one listed last in a talk about Discus Diseases and health you may ask?…

Because! If you pay attention to the first 10 conditions mentioned you may not even need to worry about number 11! A healthy fish that has all its needs taken care of and is not stressed has an innate advantage when dealing with diseases and illness..

11-17-2015, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the link Pat.
This link is very informative.

As for the Al's video I watched it 2 times so far and I recommend it to anyone interested in discus no matter beginner or experienced.