View Full Version : Filtration on a 125 gallon

11-26-2015, 12:11 AM
I'm setting up a 125 gallon tank for Discus but I'm stuck at what filtration to use. The discus will be grown out in a 75 at first. About 10 discus around 2.5 in. I have two eheim 2217 from my old angelfish 75g tank that can be used, just need to be cleaned, very dirty currently. I also have a brand new hydor V sponge filter I will use during grow out. What filtration would someone recommend for a 125 for these discus once they move into it? I don't want a sponge filter in the tank. Looking for minimal eye sore equipment in the tank. Tank is not drilled. Looking for good canister or hob suggestion. I will use a prefilter on any filter as well. Just not sure go much filtration is needed. I know discus don't like heavy flow but I know its recommended you have a turnover rate of around 5 times an hour at least. Any help is appreciated. This is my first large discus tank and I don't want to under filter or way over filter the tank and waste money.

For example, Would a 2217 and ac110 be good enough or too little?

11-26-2015, 12:24 AM
This is what I ran on my 125g when I had it:

2x Rena XP3's
2x Hydor 300w Inline heaters

I packed the filters with ceramic rings and filter floss and used the sponges that come with the filter. Discus loved it and it was easy maintenance. I did use prefilters on the intake though.

11-27-2015, 11:12 PM
Is the filter turnover rate really important or is it just about having enough bio for discus with adequate water changes? I just worry with a 2217 and an aquaclear 110,the turnover rate would be low for a 125

11-27-2015, 11:56 PM
Is the filter turnover rate really important or is it just about having enough bio for discus with adequate water changes? I just worry with a 2217 and an aquaclear 110,the turnover rate would be low for a 125

I think it should be fine. Since you are growing out, you will be doing a lot of water changes anyways, so it isn't a huge concern. Realistically, you can run 2 sponge filters in your tank and be fine with filtration so long as you do daily WC's.