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12-01-2015, 09:37 PM
Hey guys. Ended up selling all of my tanks except for my 20g rcs tank, and got this 125 gallon on black Friday at petsmart for only $330. I can't be more excited.

I currently have 6 smaller discus. My red marlboro and possibly my blue turquoise are stunted, but I didn't realize that upon buying them. These are pets and I'm not concerned about them getting to be as huge as they can or for breeding.

I plan to even out at 10 discus eventually. Other tank mates currently are:
10 julii cory cats
7 Rummy Nose tetras
5 Angelicus Loaches
2 amano shrimp
4 or 5 nerite snails

I plan to move to 25 Rummy Nose, 25 Cardinal tetras, and 2 GBR. I have a male bn pleco and a female albino. Should I add these 2 eventually?

For filtration I currently only have my penguin 350 and emporer 400 hobs. I'll be adding 2 304b Sunsun Canister Filters. The tank was cycled almost immediately. I didn't add fish until levels had been straightened out.

For heater I currently only have a 200w aquatop. It seems to be on constantly and only holding at 80 degrees, so I ordered a Jager thermostat 300 watt and it should be in this week.

I have pool filter sand as substrate. Will only be having java Fern and anubius tied to driftwood, which I need more of. This tank is massive!

I got extremely nervous filling the tank up as I think the stand was settling. It popped quite a few times. I think it was the round feet that were just settling in though.

Background is ordered.

Hoping to get a few nicer variety discus later on to finish out the group. The last white one I have pictured is what I hope to get first. Any ideas where to order that strain? Here's a few photos of mine as well.

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151127_125546_zpsbfmyjheo.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151127_125546_zpsbfmyjheo.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151127_235439_zpsg8efs0u3.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151127_235439_zpsg8efs0u3.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151129_214032_zpsgj3ja5rs.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151129_214032_zpsgj3ja5rs.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151129_213801_zpswserwfxa.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151129_213801_zpswserwfxa.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151129_213656_zpsjbd7kijw.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151129_213656_zpsjbd7kijw.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/FB_IMG_1448994529738_zpsxaogo3vr.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/FB_IMG_1448994529738_zpsxaogo3vr.jpg.html)

12-02-2015, 08:44 AM
You have to love Black Friday! Sometimes you can get the best sales. Glad your excited about your new tank. Large tanks can be lots of fun and vary rewarding. Good luck with your build and Ill stay tuned, it sounds like you have the right idea with the substrate and low maintenance plants. Now for a nice group of discus and you will be all set. I would suggest looking into the Fluval Fx6 for that thank I think it would make a nice main filter for that thank size and you can add a lot of media and foam also clears up the back of the tank. And I would get at minimum 2 good 300w heaters and a back up in case one goes down, makes heating large tanks easier and more stable. And get your self a good water change system (draining & filling) this can make or break large tank ownership 5g buckets don't cut it it kills your back. Also advised you store and heat your water when doing large water changes. Any questions just ask.

12-02-2015, 08:48 AM
Thank you! I have a python water changer (do not know how I went without it for so long).

Man this hobby is expensive. Sadly, we're gonna have to probably order 1 or 2 fish at a time. Other bills put us at making the fish buying last priority.

I had a. 5 foot 125 and stand I had originally bought, but my wife wanted one to cover more of our back wall, so I'm trying to sell it now.

Definitely not going full on planted like I had my 55s. Too much work with discus and we like the more driftwood less plants look.

12-02-2015, 09:05 AM
I here you ! I dove head first into discus with my tank and the only thing I can suggest is but the largest discus you can afford makes life a little bit easier. I would stash a little money away and get a nice order of six 4.5-5'' fish in a nice group from one of the sponsors one or 2 fish at a time will kill you on shipping cost, more fish the cost of shipping is off set. Take your time setting it up do it right the first time so you don't have to upgrade equipment right away. Its the initial start up cost that kills the wallet I know, It took me 6 months to do my build the way I wanted and another 2 months to get good discus and I am just starting to get the whole setup settled in still need better filter material for the sump (Port foam) and some filter socks for my sump. Go slow don't rush.

12-02-2015, 11:54 PM
I here you ! I dove head first into discus with my tank and the only thing I can suggest is but the largest discus you can afford makes life a little bit easier. I would stash a little money away and get a nice order of six 4.5-5'' fish in a nice group from one of the sponsors one or 2 fish at a time will kill you on shipping cost, more fish the cost of shipping is off set. Take your time setting it up do it right the first time so you don't have to upgrade equipment right away. Its the initial start up cost that kills the wallet I know, It took me 6 months to do my build the way I wanted and another 2 months to get good discus and I am just starting to get the whole setup settled in still need better filter material for the sump (Port foam) and some filter socks for my sump. Go slow don't rush.

Not only is the shipping expense detrimental, but buying 2 at a time means you have to quarantine each set of discus you get in every time. That is 3 separate QT periods! That just isn't worth it. Do as Devon advised, and get a big group all at once. QT them before introduction and use one hero fish to see if it survives the group.

12-08-2015, 10:54 PM
Update! Got a background, spider wood finally settled, and got a 300w heater. Will eventually be getting a large piece of driftwood and more java Fern and anubius.

Also replaced the stock bulbs with 6500k 24" t8s.

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151208_202957_zpsfumt3jvo.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151208_202957_zpsfumt3jvo.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151208_202558_zpszlwy7dxf.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151208_202558_zpszlwy7dxf.jpg.html)

12-09-2015, 11:58 AM
I'd go with less sand, less than half of what you have in there. But beautiful tank! Gratz on the new purchase!

12-11-2015, 02:42 PM
Think we are gonna ditch getting more rummynose and go with Harlequin raspboras instead. Well get 25 of those and have 25 Cardinals to go along with them. Wife likes the harlequin more as they have more color.

The sand seems to have washed out rummynose out :(

12-11-2015, 03:07 PM

Have you done a lot of research on schooling fish? I know when I was contemplating which schooling fish to add I wish I had of known of all the other options out there besides the cardinals and the rummy nosed. in general I do not like the harlequin rasboras. They have sort of a jerky motion to them, not a fluid school like the rummy's and cardinals. Now this is just me, I like the nano rasboras in my nano tanks but they too exhibit this jerky, non fluid motion, I think it may be specific to rasboras. What I did was go to wetspottropicalfish.com and go to their section of characins (dither fish) then copy and paste each type into a google search bar and decide which ones I wanted. Unfortunately I found out about wetspot long after I had purchased my school of boring black neons. There are much cooler options out there than the typical ones you see in your lfs, I just wanted to make sure you knew this.

Don't get me wrong if you like the harlequins then that's cool. I don't see many people putting them with discus, there may be something to that but IDK I have never had them with discus only in planted community tanks.

12-11-2015, 03:38 PM
No buckets run the hose from the python out the back door. I have 15 harlequin in my 150 & yhey go good with the discus. Good luck. Harry

12-11-2015, 04:54 PM
We had about 12 raspboras and sold them with my 55g they were in. Wife likes them and Cardinals most. We've looked at a lot of other schoolers and think that's what we like best. They definitely do have a jerking motion though

12-21-2015, 12:28 PM
Found this 4 or 4.5 foot long piece of driftwood at our local lfs. They want $95 for it. I'm trying to convince my wife to get that only for me for Christmas. It would be so awesome with some Moss, Java Fern, and anubius tied to it. I'll have to cut a little piece of it to fit width wise. Not gonna find another piece this big and good for any cheaper! It's probably 8 or 10 inches tall.

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151219_150053_zpskynkbkkw.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151219_150053_zpskynkbkkw.jpg.html)

12-21-2015, 12:44 PM
blahh you can do better than that. go to manzanita.com and check out rich's aquarium stump pieces. he has 6 pages of cool stumps and pieces. I would get one much taller to fill the water column. http://manzanita.com/aqwood.htm click on the individual stump pages to see them. I have also purchased a mixed box (AP2) and it was awesome, im still using up all those pieces I originally got in the mixed box.

12-21-2015, 10:08 PM
That $100 piece of wood is an impulse buy waiting to happen. I know, I've been there, done that :)

Jack L
12-21-2015, 10:45 PM
blahh you can do better than that. go to manzanita.com and check out rich's aquarium stump pieces. he has 6 pages of cool stumps and pieces. I would get one much taller to fill the water column. http://manzanita.com/aqwood.htm click on the individual stump pages to see them. I have also purchased a mixed box (AP2) and it was awesome, im still using up all those pieces I originally got in the mixed box.

agreed, but a LOT of the photo don't load, maybe that means they are sold

12-21-2015, 11:02 PM
Hard to find good pieces like this one locally also. Those on the site look great though. My wife may be getting this for a Christmas gift though so I'll be super excited if she does or if she doesn't even lol

12-22-2015, 03:08 AM
Hi Im sorry if this question has already been answered. But is this tank glass or acrylic? I was just wondering since the side panels seem so thick. It's a dream tank of mine :D

12-22-2015, 07:03 AM
Hi Im sorry if this question has already been answered. But is this tank glass or acrylic? I was just wondering since the side panels seem so thick. It's a dream tank of mine :D

It's glass from petsmart!

12-22-2015, 09:24 AM
agreed, but a LOT of the photo don't load, maybe that means they are sold

yes, the pics that don't show are recently sold pieces.

12-26-2015, 10:25 PM
About to order 25 Harlequin raspboras and 25 Cardinals. Wanted to add 6 more Amano shrimp but I think I'll wait. That will be all of the dither fish.

And we're soaking!

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151226_164200_zpse39ij3er.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151226_164200_zpse39ij3er.jpg.html)

Jack L
12-28-2015, 10:07 AM
About to order 25 Harlequin raspboras and 25 Cardinals. Wanted to add 6 more Amano shrimp but I think I'll wait. That will be all of the dither fish.

And we're soaking!

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20151226_164200_zpse39ij3er.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20151226_164200_zpse39ij3er.jpg.html)

6 amano could hide permanently in that wood, I'd get more

12-29-2015, 06:23 PM
25 Harlequin raspboras and 2 Amano shrimp arrived today. All are in terrific shape and eating well. Tomorrow the Cardinals hopefully arrive.

12-31-2015, 07:02 AM
Very cool! What's your water change schedule? Adding any fertilizer for the plants?

12-31-2015, 07:11 AM
I do 30 to 40% every 2 or 3 days and about 75% weekly. I've added some liquid ferts, micros and potassium, and root tabs for the wisteria. I have excel but it seems my plants almost do better without it.

Second Hand Pat
12-31-2015, 09:49 AM
Adam, are you QTing your new fish etc?

12-31-2015, 09:51 AM
I didn't qt the raspboras but the Cardinals will be. I didn't have enough space to qt everyone. Plan on getting another qt soon :(

12-31-2015, 02:03 PM
Considering where those Cardinals are coming from... you definitely want to wash your hands after handling the QT, and not transfer germs on equipment.

Some of them will probably be emaciated. If you don't have newly-hatched brine shrimp, you can try chopping some FDBW with a razor blade and putting it in the tank where there is good water motion, they are more likely to eat food that is flying around.

12-31-2015, 02:05 PM
They were coming from rain forest international but I quickly cancelled that. I got them from wet spot tropicals in Oregon. Read very good things. Is that the place you're talking about, or the horrible RFI?

12-31-2015, 02:06 PM
Raspboras came from Pet Solutions and they did an amazing job. Very happy with them and all are very healthy.

12-31-2015, 02:30 PM
wetspot is very reputable in my experience. I've ordered from them numerous times and never gotten diseased nor poor quality fish,

12-31-2015, 02:45 PM
They were coming from rain forest international but I quickly cancelled that. I got them from wet spot tropicals in Oregon. Read very good things. Is that the place you're talking about, or the horrible RFI?

Good move switching to Wetspot. I thought you were getting them from RFI.

12-31-2015, 02:56 PM
Just got the Cardinals. Only had 3 dead

01-01-2016, 12:47 PM
So currently here's my stock once the Cardinals get out of quarantine:

6 discus
5 Angelicus loaches
9 Julii cories
25 Harlequin raspboras
22 Cardinal tetras
4 Amano shrimp

We'll eventually up the discus to 10 max. I had thought about getting a pair of GBR to add, but I'm wondering if I should get more Cardinals or raspboras instead, or just add the remaining 4 discus and leave the other numbers alone?

Jack L
01-01-2016, 11:22 PM
you could get more amano, i really like the dynamic they add to the tank

01-05-2016, 11:50 PM
Well it's slowly starting to sink.

Added a few wisteria plants and the Harlequin Raspboras. I love the raspboras and they school really good. They're growing already! I had about 12 raspboras left when I sold one of our 55s. Wish I had them now to add to this group.

The Cardinals are in quarantine and are pretty small. I think the discus would eat them so I'm gonna let them grow some. Hopefully 22 in my 20 gallon qt isn't too many and will grow decently.

The big right side of this driftwood still isn't even halfway sinking. It bobs right up when you push it down. Hopefully it sinks soon. I'm ready to have it set.

Last, I will be adding a 72" Beamworks LED light. I think it will give me good plant growth without going overboard on algae. Will also hopefully give some good color on the fish!

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160105_211852_zpsuzy2o8md.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160105_211852_zpsuzy2o8md.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160105_211836_zpsrhzzgmga.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160105_211836_zpsrhzzgmga.jpg.html)

Jack L
01-06-2016, 10:21 AM
I screw slate to the bottom and hide under the sand for an anchor

01-08-2016, 11:23 PM
Thought I'd upload some pictures I just took. I've had the red Marlboro and the blues since September. Got the Pigeon and Yellow in October, and the red melon in November.

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203439_zpsv7xfdm5o.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203439_zpsv7xfdm5o.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203257_zpsdsugsptw.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203257_zpsdsugsptw.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203517_zpsjmjwx4uu.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203517_zpsjmjwx4uu.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203616_zpszikftgrc.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203616_zpszikftgrc.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203645_zpsbtkn8mrj.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203645_zpsbtkn8mrj.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203543_zpskmmwxuxr.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203543_zpskmmwxuxr.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203911_zpsvafeygib.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203911_zpsvafeygib.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_203606_zpscfr3r3hw.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_203606_zpscfr3r3hw.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_204203_zpszn1659m5.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_204203_zpszn1659m5.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_204240_zpszmelvf0y.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_204240_zpszmelvf0y.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_204254_zps8icvrnli.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_204254_zps8icvrnli.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160108_204404_zpsjz4jjlqr.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160108_204404_zpsjz4jjlqr.jpg.html)

Jack L
01-09-2016, 11:36 AM
coming along nicely

02-14-2016, 03:58 PM
It finally sank!

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160214_134754_zps7nhfafjl.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160214_134754_zps7nhfafjl.jpg.html)

Jack L
02-14-2016, 04:40 PM
room for more now : )

02-14-2016, 04:43 PM
I have another piece of mopani wood that is kinda short on height. Would that be too much? Don't want to overdo it.

Also have some Ludwigia and s repens coming this week.

Jack L
02-14-2016, 04:47 PM
personal preference, but IMO plenty of room

02-15-2016, 10:27 AM
looking very nice, my only advice is to switch to a solid color back ground, but that is just a matter of preference, solid black will really make your plants and fish pop.

02-15-2016, 10:29 AM
We had a piece of spider wood we have had before.... I think it's in the earlier pictures, and we're going to add it to the left side to add some depth. Gonna move the big driftwood over to the right some. Removing the small piece of mopani wood that's in there now. Should look great and still have plenty of room for the fish.

Jack L
02-15-2016, 11:08 AM
you can always move it around.
i had about 10 more pieces i mine at first, i had to keep taking them out as I needed room for plants, and it was a PIA siphoning detritus around them.
so now i have less, and larger ones

02-18-2016, 11:08 PM
Did a new aquascape with the new plants tonight. The spider wood up top is soaking again and should be sank within the next week or 2.

I'm trying to decide if I should keep it (it'll be going in front of the left jungle Val) or take it out and leave the front open. We'll see.

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160218_203303_zps66i0pwvd.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160218_203303_zps66i0pwvd.jpg.html)

02-19-2016, 03:35 AM
Wow. I really like the new look. ANd I think the spiderwood will look great once you've found the right place for it. How long did the re-arrangement take? I once re-did my 125, and it took me a whole day, and it's very basic compared to your set-up.

02-19-2016, 11:49 PM
i like the big logs. ive got big logs in my tank at the moment and love them but they get dirty and i have to siphon the debris off them every day. how do u keep the wood clean? i was thinking about some kind of power head or wavemaker aimed at the wood

02-19-2016, 11:54 PM
We took the spider wood out tonight. Worried about the discus scratching themselves at night. I think we're gonna plant my big amazon sword there instead and see how it does (close to the middle left).

As for keeping the wood clean, it hasn't been in long enough I don't think to get a lot of algae. Although the falling pieces off of it have been a headache to keep off the sand. We'll be adding more jungle Val to grow along the back.

I think we'll only be adding 2 more discus eventually to keep 9 total.

02-21-2016, 09:30 PM
OK took the spider wood out and did some more rearranging. Love this a while lot more

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160221_185746_zps6acgqae6.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160221_185746_zps6acgqae6.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160221_185822_zpsrhpbwxym.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160221_185822_zpsrhpbwxym.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160221_190458_zpsp5y6hlwa.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160221_190458_zpsp5y6hlwa.jpg.html)

02-22-2016, 08:23 AM
Looks good. I also like it without the spider wood.

02-22-2016, 12:45 PM
So a few people have suggested flipping the big driftwood upside down? I'm not so certain it wouldn't look awkward? Opinions? That's a heavy piece now waterlogged and a pain to get in and out of the tank. I scratched the lower front of the glass getting it in.

02-22-2016, 01:46 PM
Adam, I like the way it looks now... Why are people suggesting to flip it?

If it is sturdy how it is now and in place, I don't see why you would move it, makes a cool bridge look at gives some hang out and hiding spots that are still viable to you...

I am liking the way it looks and would leave well enough alone... You already seem hesitant about it so that tells me you would rather not...

02-22-2016, 02:50 PM
With the driftwood try it in a few different positions and see which one you like. I like it right now but I could it also looking good if flipped.

02-23-2016, 01:46 PM
if u flip the driftwood you are going to have the long flat side laying on the sand and it may be a chore to get the collected debris out from under it.

02-23-2016, 01:47 PM
Yeah I think I'm gonna leave it. Too much of a hassle to mess with it now.

Jack L
02-23-2016, 08:33 PM
only way to tell is to try and see how it looks

Kyla is right, the larger foot print will make more zones for detritus collection based on the water flow in your tank

06-20-2016, 09:09 PM
Update on the tank!

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160620_193757_zpsujhev438.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160620_193757_zpsujhev438.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160620_193809_zpsqxy07aov.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160620_193809_zpsqxy07aov.jpg.html)

http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s654/aparker2005/Fish/20160620_193746_zpsbvtfggbb.jpg (http://s1310.photobucket.com/user/aparker2005/media/Fish/20160620_193746_zpsbvtfggbb.jpg.html)

06-20-2016, 11:34 PM
It looks amazing. I especially love the couple of crypts hanging out in the shade under the log.

How are the fish doing, growthwise?

Jack L
06-21-2016, 01:38 AM
Looking nice!

06-21-2016, 07:11 AM
Looks awesome mate, loving the lay out, how's the algea going and growth of plants? whats your wc regime and are vacuming the sand?

06-21-2016, 07:16 AM
The first batch of these discus I got at my lfs before knowing how to really buy good ones. Most of them ended up looking to be stunted. I've had good growth on 3 of them. My little Marlboro red is finally starting to show some signs of growth. I've had them almost a year now .

The silver pigeon we got from Wet Spot Tropicals and it has been great.

I do a 50% water change on Thursdays and 90% on Sundays. Algae isn't too bad at all except for some diatoms.

Will probably be getting another blue this weekend for our anniversary. I have only lost 1 of the original stunted. They all eat great and show no signs of being sick

06-21-2016, 07:31 AM
how often are you vacuming the sand? How long are the lights on for?

06-21-2016, 08:41 AM
looking nice...

06-21-2016, 09:29 AM
beautiful!! nice shoal of porchops too. not an often seen companion with discus but look really good.