View Full Version : Quarantine questions

12-10-2015, 09:24 PM
Hello friends.
I just bought some small fish from my Lfs today and I got some questions about proper quarantine methods before I add them to my discus display tank.
They are a group of 8 sterbai corries, 20 red rummy nose and 5 Ancistrus dolichopterus.

First question.
After a period of 6 weeks Qt,do you still add a hero discus in QT eventhough they are just a diether fish? Or you do that only with other discus fish?

Second and to me, more important question.
All around forum I read the given example QT story that allways ends up with a happy end.
You add the hero discus and if everything turns up allright for them after 2 weeks you put the hero discus and the new fish in your tank with your previous discus.

BUT... What if there is no happy end and your hero discus gets badly sick or even die due to cross-contamination?
What to do then with your new Qt stock?

Third question.This more theoretical than practical question,but still would like to know the theory behind the QT procedure.

If two different batches of discus coming from different regions( common example European discus versus Singapore -Asian discus) have different immune systems and carry different pathogens, what good can Qt do?
Wouldn't just be the same after 6 weeks or more?
I don't get the theory behind this?

12-10-2015, 09:41 PM
I forgot to mention in my OP.
They are Qt-ed right now in a 10 gallon tank instantly cycled with water and sponge filter from my display discus tank.

12-11-2015, 01:00 AM
Usually it's best to start qt tank with its own filter, drain hose, net....Hopefully new fish are ok.
First question,
I QT all type of fish going into my main tank and always use the hero method to tell its safe to move them in or not.
Second question ,
that's why it's so important to qt them in case it goes south. Well I'll be happy that you did not break QT and save the main tank. You'll deal or treat with only small tank. This is why not use main tank because you eliminate 1 reason cause problem. In case like this i continue qt or treat them if necceassy won't move them in until new hero is safe.
Third question,
It protect your collection, you will save lot money in Med and headache.

Just my 2 cents. Someone may have more to share.

12-11-2015, 04:08 AM
Thanks Tony, for going through all my questions and explained your practice.

I guess that if things with hero fish just don't turn up well I will have to give away the newly Qt fish.
I don't care much now with this diether fish, but in future if i would like to introduce some other discus fish it would be a drag if mixing show me that I will have to give away the new discus cause they pose a thread to my old discus.

12-13-2015, 01:52 PM
Hi Filip.

I have some info on QT here...


Third question.This more theoretical than practical question,but still would like to know the theory behind the QT procedure.

If two different batches of discus coming from different regions( common example European discus versus Singapore -Asian discus) have different immune systems and carry different pathogens, what good can Qt do?
Wouldn't just be the same after 6 weeks or more?
I don't get the theory behind this?

A Good question... Complicated answer but here goes my take on it. One of the purposes in a long quarantine is not just to give time for a Discus to break down and show signs of illness. Its also to give Discus time for their immune systems to recover from all the stress associated with moving them to a new tank. First they need time to replace their lost and damaged slime coat... their first immune defense. That alone can take several weeks if the handling was rough. Next their getting used to being flipped into new water parameters, Discus may tolerate that, but theres probably some physiological adjustments their bodies are making. Next their immune system needs to get used to whats in your water. They need time to start eating again and building reserves.. Hopefully they didn't pick up any pathogens at their last home before your tank. If all goes well and they are allowed time to get back into top shape and given good food and good water... when they are mixed with other discus sources they will most likely be able to deal with anything new the other fish causes them to encounter.

The problems almost always occur when we mix "healthy" discus from multiple sources is that we have just not been given them adequate time for their immune systems to fully recover and they are overwhelmed.


Definetly use the hero method if you can!

12-13-2015, 09:48 PM
That sure makes sense Al.
Two well prepared and healthy discus batches are more likely to overcome any issues that can come as a result of mixing.
Even if they become dark and show problems , they are more likely to deal with disease if well prepared for that.
Thanks for input.

12-13-2015, 10:39 PM
Discus Today. Info from Al's is my base guide to quarantine. I just add some personal touches , like mike Black water extracts make from boiled Almond leaves, and lately I took from Pat's the addition of rooi-bush tea to their first arrival water .
I also like to put metro in their FDBW when they are eating as they should.

Just be careful with Cory's and rummy's might be more susceptible to medications during the preventive treatment.

12-14-2015, 01:37 AM
Angles Plus has the most stringent quarantine procedure I've seen: http://www.angelsplus.com/ArticleQuarantine.htm. It is a lot like the procedure Al linked to.