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12-10-2015, 10:59 PM
Hello everyone,

I wanted to post a quick update. The heckels are starting to settle in and are now feeding on live blackworms, frozen blood worms, and FD tubifex.

I added 7 hemiodus gracilis and I plan on getting 3 to 5 more soon. I have Cory cats in QT right now and I have 5 crenicichla regani on the way which will also be QT. I am thinking of switching the rio nanay angels out and replacing them with Manacapuru Angels to go with a biotope look from rio negro.

Thank you everyone for your help in getting them this far. Please let me know your opinions on my ideas.

12-10-2015, 11:00 PM


12-11-2015, 09:40 AM
Hello Rob, thank you for posting this. I'm having difficulty watching the you tube video. The image of the tank appears but the video won't play for some reason. It might help if you could look in to the link again. I'm interested in the hemiodus gracilis I also wanted to add this fish with my heckels but wondered if they would be too lively for heckels and how it would be during feeding time. I know Heiko Bleher mentioned these fish in the past and said they where ideal heckel tank mates as they came from the same region. I wondered how they have been in your tank. Thanks.

Second Hand Pat
12-11-2015, 09:56 AM
Maybe this will work better. :)


12-11-2015, 09:58 AM
well it is official, this is the most awesome set up ever!! well done OP beautiful and I am quite taken with the hemiodus gracilis where did you acquire those?? they are such a nice schooling fish.

The Irons
12-11-2015, 10:45 AM
It is great to hear that your Heckels have settled in & are feeding. How are they liking the FD Tubifex ? My Heckels will literally jump out the water to eat it- it is definitely their favorite food.
You should give yourself a pat on the back, as it couldn't have been an easy task to dose Metro in that size tank, so congrats on the results. The tank looks amazing

12-11-2015, 10:48 AM
Tank looks amazing!! Well done! I have never seen those fish, hemiodus gracilis but would also love to know where they came from...

Great set up. I am assuming they are all settled and eating now? I know you had issues when you first got them...

12-11-2015, 06:02 PM
Thank you everyone. I got the hemiodus from an LFS. 3 of them have em in stock currently. They actually have zero impact on the discus only able to eat one worm at a time.

I appreciate all the comments. Thank you all for your help.

12-11-2015, 08:28 PM
nice to see them settling in.
Love the floating plants.

12-11-2015, 08:46 PM
Great awesome job !!!

12-11-2015, 10:24 PM
Really nicely done!.Beautiful tank!

12-12-2015, 11:33 AM
Thank yoU everyone. I'm hoping they continue to do well in my tap.

12-12-2015, 06:02 PM
I had hemiodus with discus before but I found they caused more problems than they solved. I found the hemiodus to be super nervous ( and also they are jumpers, hope you have a lid)

12-12-2015, 09:50 PM
I have a lid. I keep my tanks tightly covered.

Jack L
12-13-2015, 12:53 AM
i like the setup, especially all the floating plants

12-13-2015, 01:58 AM
That is a beautiful tank! You have done a great job! I like everything about it.....I'm going to have to look into those hemiodus.

12-13-2015, 11:27 AM
That is a beautiful tank! You have done a great job! I like everything about it.....I'm going to have to look into those hemiodus.

Thank you. I'm very happy with this setup. Couldn't have done it without the help of this forum.

12-14-2015, 10:31 AM
Quite a nice stock you have in that tank. Hemiodus are indeed interesting creeters, active, but not danio active. Just watch out for jumpers. What is your filtration, water parameters, wc regime, size of the tank what do you feed them?

12-14-2015, 10:51 PM
My filtration is two fx6's, a Rena xp3 hooked up to a 36 watt UV sterilizer, an Aquaclear 110 running peat and roobios tea, in a 180 gallon tank. WC'S are 50 percent once a week.

Water is 7.4 out of tap settling to 6.8-7.0. GH is 179ppm. Temp at 86F.

Food for the tank is a mix of various discus flakes, nls discus pellets, and freeze dried and frozen foods. The discus only eat live blackworms, frozen blood worms, and FD tubifex. I'm hoping they will feed on the prepared foods soon.

12-15-2015, 12:12 AM
Very nice tank Rob. TFS

12-16-2015, 09:04 PM
Just got home after 5 days out and one of my heckels has the white stringy feces. Time to do another seven day dose. Do you guys think I should up the dosage or extend the treatment period? I hate how 8 of them are fine and eating voraciously and the 2 are not getting it together.

Second Hand Pat
12-16-2015, 09:23 PM
Can you isolate the two with issues?