View Full Version : Whats your Holiday Traditions?

12-22-2015, 12:12 PM
Hello all,
Just Curious what your Holiday Traditions are. We start off by going to a Christmas Tree farm and cutting our tree. We usually like Balsam Spruce or Concolor . We get the tree a few weeks before Christmas and make a night out decorating it. Before we can though we make a pilgrimage to holiday shop where the kids pick 1 ornament that year. We will give these to them when they are adults....for now we have them on our tree.

We celebrate Christmas here with a Huge feast at my parents home. We celebrate it the night before Christmas. Being the oldest of 11 kids, with several brothers and sisters with families of their own..It can be a rather loud time. Many fish dishes, many bottles of wine, usually a few heated arguments over this or that...But all in a good time. We then head home, The next morning is the Kids time... They open their presents and my wife and I usually sit back and enjoy the show.

Christmas day is spent that with my Wife's family or by ourselves. Usually its Turkey or Ham.. This year I am making 2 ducks. There's is a more sombre celebration. Voices are never really raised... Its like night day between our two families, but they are both very special times. Times to reconnect and talk.

Of course we also try and meet up with other family and Friends. I make Pepper Bisquits, an Italian treat that we Give out. I'll start making those today. These have been in our family for generations, To the point that in my youth we had a small company that made and sold them. I spent my school age years there making them.

So thats me... How about you. What do you celebrate this time of year with your family and Friends?


Second Hand Pat
12-22-2015, 12:38 PM
We are fairly traditional with our Christmas prep; first I never start to prep for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, need to give the bird it's due. We have a boys home across the lake from us and we always get our tree from there. Once the tree is home it sits outside in a bucket of water for a week or so.

The upstairs is decorated first, then downstairs with the living room last with the tree. We celebrate Christmas generally on Christmas morning with our daughter and her beau Mike. First we do gifts and then stockings. Later in the day we go to the in-laws for dinner and my parents come join us.

Since my daughter is now grown up and lives out of state we are becoming more flexible with our Christmas. This year is really weird. Tom's parents want to do Christmas on Saturday so Tom and I are driving over to my parents and fixing them Christmas dinner Friday. I will be fixing a non-traditional dinner for my folks of shrimp with some sides. Saturday dinner will be at my in-laws and Sunday we will do Christmas at the house with Diana and Mike.