View Full Version : Hi newbie to this forum but bbeen a lurker for a long time

12-27-2015, 06:35 AM
Hi everyone

Iv had Discus for a while now at the moment iv got 19 of them in three 250 litre tanks, before you take me of the forum some are not all fully grown. Iv got one of the tanks that has been on for three months and i have just added 8 2" discus still with no proper colour on them from a breeder locally. As a comunity tank for my living room.

My discus passion started with my pal getting rid of a couple of his discus a Mhari heckel a Red Melon and My baby a blue Turq (strange you get attached to one particular fish but i have) .

I keep them in mostly well planted and gravel tanks with wood that gives the look of roots in the water. Was well surprised the first time i saw a 8" discus being a limbo dancer on it's side to get some food.

Feeding wise i use discus granules, flakes and alternative days beefheart and bloodworm.

Iv got White Diamonds, Blue Diamonds, Albino Platinum, Turqs, Snakeskins, Leopard skin, Red Melons, Heckels, Cobalt, Dark Angel/red melon.

I check my water every second day with my test kit and my ph i tend to use a ph metre every day just to be on the safe side.

Im in the process of changing two of my 250 tanks to 600litre tanks hopefully get them in the sales.

At the moment i use external filters so am hoping with the 600 litre i can use a sump system for the two tanks

12-27-2015, 07:55 AM
Welcome aboard!

12-27-2015, 03:51 PM
thank you Akilli