View Full Version : Is adding more discus the solution?

01-01-2016, 04:24 AM
So I've had 3 adult (6"-6.5") discuss in my 75 gallon planted tank for about a month now. they have been skittish since day one, and even bolt at times when lights go on. when the lights are on, they are always either hiding behind the driftwood (one side of the tank) or the swords (other side of the tank). there are about 50 rummynose tetras in the tank with them...and they're all perfectly happy swimming everywhere, but the discus only venture out into the open when the lights are off.

i've read that discus would prefer to be in groups of 5+...but before I go out and get 2 more, I wanna make sure that's the right thing to do.

unfortunately, i'm not able to feed them beef heart or live food...all the fish get a mix of flakes + colorbits. i've NEVER seen the discus eat...but it's been a month, so surely they've been eating?

would appreciate the wisdom of the experience discus keepers here.

01-01-2016, 08:45 AM
Any fish added to a community tank have to be quarantined for at least for six weeks.

01-01-2016, 08:53 AM
Okay...not really related to my question but thanks. I know how to quarantine, though I'd also be buying the discus from a trusted breeder.

01-01-2016, 10:26 AM
Okay...not really related to my question but thanks. I know how to quarantine, though I'd also be buying the discus from a trusted breeder.
You can try to live food to entice them like Brine Shrimp or white worms.Also blackworms if you can get them Stay away from live tubifex.You can also try Australian Australian Freeze Dried Black Worm have not heard any Discus deny them.Press the Australian Freeze Dried Black Worm cube against the glass and they will go fo it

01-01-2016, 11:48 AM
Usually it is a water issue. How much are you changing?


01-01-2016, 11:51 AM
What is your water change schedule? What are the ammonia nitrite and nitrate levels in the tank? I lot of things can make discus shy but poor water quality and disease are the two big ones. They do better in groups but shouldn't be as shy as you are saying so I feel something else is at play here. Do you use CO2 in your planted tank? I know theres a lot of debate on how well discus do adjusting to it. Im sure some other more experienced people will chime in soon but until then id shut off the CO2 if you use it, and do a large water change.

01-01-2016, 12:13 PM
thanks guys.

yes, i do use CO2, as my planted tank is a 'high tech' setup, but it's not a high level of CO2..it's only 1 bubble per second.

As for WCs, I do 50% once a week; I know that isn't ideal for discs but I had read that for adult discus, that it would be okay. Am I mistaken with that?

01-01-2016, 01:14 PM
So I've had 3 adult (6"-6.5") discuss in my 75 gallon planted tank for about a month now. they have been skittish since day one, and even bolt at times when lights go on. when the lights are on, they are always either hiding behind the driftwood (one side of the tank) or the swords (other side of the tank). there are about 50 rummynose tetras in the tank with them...and they're all perfectly happy swimming everywhere, but the discus only venture out into the open when the lights are off.

i've read that discus would prefer to be in groups of 5+...but before I go out and get 2 more, I wanna make sure that's the right thing to do.

unfortunately, i'm not able to feed them beef heart or live food...all the fish get a mix of flakes + colorbits. i've NEVER seen the discus eat...but it's been a month, so surely they've been eating?

would appreciate the wisdom of the experience discus keepers here.

The problem is almost certain to be insufficient water change and/or insufficient tank cleaning. The purpose of water change is to remove organic compounds (dissolved and/or suspended in the water column). Recommend this post:


Also,removing feces, uneaten food, and cleaning all the surfaces in the tank on a regular basis, is just as important as water change.


01-04-2016, 10:34 AM
Try shutting off co2 and changing at least 50% water daily for a start and see if there is any improvement.
Observe also if they have white hanging poop,since they havent eaten for a month.

01-04-2016, 10:53 AM
thanks guys.

yes, i do use CO2, as my planted tank is a 'high tech' setup, but it's not a high level of CO2..it's only 1 bubble per second.

As for WCs, I do 50% once a week; I know that isn't ideal for discs but I had read that for adult discus, that it would be okay. Am I mistaken with that?

doing water changes daily.. is the easiest thing you can do to try to perk them up..

01-04-2016, 11:51 AM
hrm, thx...unfortunately that isn't an option for me for a variety of reasons. will see if i can get least try 2x a week or something.

01-04-2016, 02:10 PM
hrm, thx...unfortunately that isn't an option for me for a variety of reasons. will see if i can get least try 2x a week or something.

well, good luck with the issue.. :)

01-04-2016, 02:18 PM
hrm, thx...unfortunately that isn't an option for me for a variety of reasons. will see if i can get least try 2x a week or something.

Then Discus are not going to be your cup of tea....

01-04-2016, 04:02 PM
hrm, thx...unfortunately that isn't an option for me for a variety of reasons. will see if i can get least try 2x a week or something.If you keep on this kind of water changing schedule then in a very near future, you will have a post in the
Emergency Room In any case good luck with your fish.

01-04-2016, 07:33 PM
Maybe in a completly bare tank and very controled feeding , you can manage to get away with 1-2 WCs per week . Maybe.
In a planted comunity tank...It just cant work .

01-06-2016, 02:19 PM
I tried a heavily planted discus tank for a week and I changed my tank to BB. It was impossible for me to keep the thick substrate 100% clean at all the time. There were left over food sink into the substrate which the fish can't get to.

I used to do once a week w/c on my 75G BB tank with 6 large adult discus (6"+). Now I am doing 80% w/c every other day. All my discus are showing bright color and grown much fatter. The frequent w/c change makes so much difference in discus health and size. I am not home 10 hours a day working and I was able to manage to keep up that much w/c for my discus. It is hard, but extremely rewarding.