View Full Version : Discus coming home today!

01-21-2016, 12:10 PM
I am excited! I picked them out yesterday and I talked to my LFS owner and we agreed it would be smart to wait another day before I brought them home, because A) it was a toasty 24 degrees maybe, yesterday and B) because they had been in the store for 24 hours. They have good body shape, no stress lines, I will make sure to see them eat today. The LFS owner says they are eating well. One is a turquoise pigeon blood and the other one is a blue with vertical stripes.

I will try to post pics, but not promises since my phone won't connect to the internet or my computer. Something's wrong with connection prongs. :(

01-21-2016, 01:30 PM
Only 2??

What size and where did the LFS get them from...

I think I recall you saying that you were anti online ordering in another post?

Just food for thought... where do you think the LFS got the fish from? The same way you would get them direct from a supplier... Only, chances are he got them from some fish farm that isn't going to provide the best quality and care...

Going direct to a sponsor and picking your fish that way is really the way to go... Again, your money and resources but the proof is in the pudding...

If you are only getting 2 and they are not a pair, you aren't off to the best start...

01-21-2016, 03:12 PM
Only 2??

What size and where did the LFS get them from...

I think I recall you saying that you were anti online ordering in another post?

Just food for thought... where do you think the LFS got the fish from? The same way you would get them direct from a supplier... Only, chances are he got them from some fish farm that isn't going to provide the best quality and care...

Going direct to a sponsor and picking your fish that way is really the way to go... Again, your money and resources but the proof is in the pudding...

If you are only getting 2 and they are not a pair, you aren't off to the best start...


Eric, good luck with the discus, please let us know if you have any questions in the next few weeks.

01-21-2016, 04:15 PM
So far so good. I did a pH test for the bag water and my aquarium water, a perfect 7.0 or right around there. Both tests matched perfectly, so after I put the bag in the aquarium for 20 minutes before I netted the discus and put them in the aquarium. The discus are being shy right now, but I have seen them swimming around their new digs. If I can figure out how to take a picture with my laptop I will in the next couple of days. I am hanging out watch TV and am fairly close to the aquarium and I keep seeing a fish head peeking out from my castle. I think I'm gonna like my new fin friends.

The clerk at the fish store said to feed the discus pellets in the morning and frozen blood worms, beef heart or mysis shrimp in the evening. I have been feeding my tetras flakes. Should I continue or switch them to whatever the discus eat? I don't want to over pollute the tank with food.

01-21-2016, 04:29 PM
So far so good. I did a pH test for the bag water and my aquarium water, a perfect 7.0 or right around there. Both tests matched perfectly, so after I put the bag in the aquarium for 20 minutes before I netted the discus and put them in the aquarium. The discus are being shy right now, but I have seen them swimming around their new digs. If I can figure out how to take a picture with my laptop I will in the next couple of days. I am hanging out watch TV and am fairly close to the aquarium and I keep seeing a fish head peeking out from my castle. I think I'm gonna like my new fin friends.

The clerk at the fish store said to feed the discus pellets in the morning and frozen blood worms, beef heart or mysis shrimp in the evening. I have been feeding my tetras flakes. Should I continue or switch them to whatever the discus eat? I don't want to over pollute the tank with food.

What you feed depends on how much water you plan on changing.

01-21-2016, 04:35 PM
The more protein, the more poo, the more cleaning. It makes sense. What's the best thing to feed a community tank. I don't want to constantly do water changes. Not my favorite part of fish keeping.

01-21-2016, 05:26 PM
The more protein, the more poo, the more cleaning. It makes sense. What's the best thing to feed a community tank. I don't want to constantly do water changes. Not my favorite part of fish keeping.

Yeah, it isn't the most fun for most people. If you feed BH, you are almost forced to do daily water changes. So I'd probably avoid that. You can feed FDBW as a staple food and supplement with flakes and pellets and do every other day WC's

01-21-2016, 05:47 PM
Do you have other fish in there.. ?? or just 2 discus. !?

01-21-2016, 05:53 PM
He seems to be avoiding that question as I asked it earlier and was concerned... but hey, to each their own, can only help people so much...

01-21-2016, 05:57 PM
He seems to be avoiding that question as I asked it earlier and was concerned... but hey, to each their own, can only help people so much...

i briefly read through the handful of threads he started..

i agree.. each their own..

good luck with the fish..

01-21-2016, 07:58 PM
Only 2??

What size and where did the LFS get them from...

I think I recall you saying that you were anti online ordering in another post?

Just food for thought... where do you think the LFS got the fish from? The same way you would get them direct from a supplier... Only, chances are he got them from some fish farm that isn't going to provide the best quality and care...

Going direct to a sponsor and picking your fish that way is really the way to go... Again, your money and resources but the proof is in the pudding...

If you are only getting 2 and they are not a pair, you aren't off to the best start...

I believe they got them from Chicago, but I'm not sure which supplier. When I asked for more detail they said most suppliers get them from overseas. They are about 2 1/2 to 3 inches. They are juvies I'm pretty sure. I have discus pellets and discus frozen food from Omega One. The LFS owner raises discus herself and is very knowledgeable and helpful. I followed all of the information given here in this very forum on what to pick and what not to pick. The other LFS has discus, but they are of very poor quality. Their head was sunken and the staff had no clue how to care for them, other than they were Cichlids.

I only got two, because money doesn't grow on trees and since this the first time I am jumping into the discus pool I started small before sinking a small fortune into them. Would I like more? Yes, when my finances allow it, I will look into getting more, if I decide that I enjoy keeping them, but right now I'm starting with two. So far I like them, but I've only had them since noon.

I have 25 years of keeping fish. I spent three weeks reading, researching and talking to knowledgeable clerks at reputable LFS in not only my town, but St. Louis and Champaign-Urbana, including one of the best LFS in Central IL. The store I got my fish I've been going to for 20 years. Going to a local breeder would ideal, I understand that completely, however, they're aren't any in my area that I know of. I feel ordering really pricey discus online is risky, not because of the breeder, but because of the shipping and currently the weather. I would prefer to start with something fairly inexpensive before risking expensive fish.

If the breeder here from Chicago wants to know what LFS I go to I would gladly give details. The store is under new ownership and would probably prefer to order locally within the state. I have notice recently they had some tetras from St. Louis. I have had discussions with the owner said she bought discus from Chicago. I am confident in my skills that I can keep discus. I understand the basics that keeping a clean aquarium is extremely important because the water has to be perfect for them. I have a ton of resources (including this place) that if I run into a problem I can figure out the issue.

01-21-2016, 10:42 PM
I think you are missing the point here... If you read all you claimed to read then you would know that discus are a schooling fish and prefer to be in groups, unless they are a confirmed pair where obviously two would be fine...

I understand budget, money and all that... The reason why myself and others have given you the advice and suggestions we have is because we want you to be successful and to be successful you should give yourself the best chance by following the guidelines set here... If you want to enjoy the fish then enjoy them the way they are meant to be. You are not going to have an enjoyable experience should these two fight or one get bullied and sick or killed... You will say oh discus are so hard to keep and they fight and get sick because they aren't in the proper set up. Or people want to argue over water changes and then complain when they are riddled with disease ...

I mean it's too late, you already got your two and that's obviously what you wanted to do even though people encouraged you otherwise...

Best bet would have been to be patient and save up and give yourself the best chance...

I speak from experience and with the desire to help you. I am as hard headed as they Come and I am still currently keeping a tank that isn't ideal but I bust my butt to make it work... Just trying to help you and give you the best experience possible based on my mistakes and what I know and have seen here over the years...

Anyway, I wish you the best and hope you learn a lot and see where I am coming from eventually.

01-22-2016, 11:45 AM
I watched the most of the day yesterday and they are doing fine. They've made a new friend in one of my cats. Yesterday afternoon I watched Simba and the discus spy on each other and last night when I fed them Simba was swatting at the glass. They are eating, swimming and getting their color.

I appreciate the help and concern. If I could get a few more free discus I would be set.

01-22-2016, 11:46 AM
Gratz on the new discus - you must be excited :) Good luck, I hope they do well.