View Full Version : Long list of potential tank mates

01-21-2016, 03:55 PM
I've done some research on quite a few of these fish, but if anyone has any specific insight I'd love to hear it.

The tank is a standard 75 gallon, planning to use a Hydor Pro 450 canister filter, 300 watt heater, driftwood with low light plants attached. Bare bottom or some substrate, either a thin bed or only part of the aquarium having substrate, the rest BB. Looking for the end result to have 5-6 Discus and some of the following others (whatever is most fitting):

Amano shrimp

Long Fin Calico Ancistrus
Long Fin Chocolate Ancistrus
Long Fin Green Dragon Ancistrus
"Leopard Frog Pleco" L134

Botia histrionica “Golden Zebra Loach”

Apistogramma agassizii
Apistogramma trifasciata

Von rio tetra
Harlequin Rasbora
Rummynose tetra
Silver tip tetra
Orange flame tetra
Diamond tetra
Blue emperor tetra
Threadfin rainbow
Marbled hatchetfish
Pencil fish

01-24-2016, 03:45 AM
Most tetras are okay if they're not fin-nippers. It's also best to keep them in a large enough school that they nip at each other and not your discus. Check their temperature requirements -- some tetras come from more temperate southern areas and don't like the warm water discus require.

All I can tell you about any sucker fish, including ancistrus, otos, and other plecos, is that they sometimes develop a taste for discus slime coat and will rasp the slime coat off your fish. This is an irritant than can make your discus jumpy or nervous, and could also leave them open to infection if the water isn't kept clean and the plecos rasp off some scales. Ancistrus and otos are the safest choices when it comes to sucker catfish, but there have still been plenty of stories of them eating slime coat. I've seen albino and brown ancistrus go after my discus multiple times and I no longer keep them mixed.

Amano shrimp may be a very pricey snack for large fish. Discus have no problem eating shrimp or small tetras.

01-24-2016, 04:22 PM
Thanks for your feedback! I realized it will likely be a long time before I start getting any other species to go with the discus, as I'm pretty sure I should start with making sure the discus are doing well, so I'll have a lot of time to research into each species more. I was looking for specific experiences with the different tetras, like yours with your Ancistrus.

01-25-2016, 12:38 PM
I have 25 rummynose tetras in my 90 gallon discus tank. They really look nice, as the stay in a really tight school at all times. Highly recommend them.
I also have a brown ancistrus, who keeps to himself. I have never seen him bother the discus.

02-09-2016, 11:34 PM
I am wanting to use Cory cats with my Discus. Any body had experience with this combination? I would like to have plants but Plecos have a tendency to decimate them and think Corys would keep a clean house

02-10-2016, 12:21 AM
I am wanting to use Cory cats with my Discus. Any body had experience with this combination? I would like to have plants but Plecos have a tendency to decimate them and think Corys would keep a clean house
I have always kept cories with my discus. They work the bottom well and school together in the morning. In my 180g I have at least 20 albinos.