View Full Version : Swimming pool heat pump to heat up centralized tank system

01-24-2016, 09:14 AM
I came across one of this item when I was doing some research on heating up swimming pools.


It might sound daft but has anyone tried connecting this type of heater to a tank centralized system to heat up fish room or fish house? Sure'y that's a no brainer or am I missing something out as I can't seemed to find any information online about this approach. I've only seen people in aquaculture using similar technique to heat up the facilities but I'm not sure if the domestic appliance as such is fish safe.

It would be great if someone can share some information about this. Thanks



DC Discus
01-24-2016, 02:00 PM
Yes, you can. Couple things to look for;
-Titanium heat ex-charger
-no other fittings made of brass or copper in contact with the water, most are designed for slat water so the fittings are inert.
- Flow rate, these usually take a lot of flow to work efficiently (usually for 100,000 btu's it's ~30-40 gallon a minute), it's the number of passes of water. past the exchanger. Heat pump don't to all their 'work' instant
-If you're putting it outside make sure it has a defrost or anti-freezing system on-board. Inside a method to vent excessive heat from running
- some "heat pumps" actually use a heating element instead of running their compressor in reverse. Typically heat pump are chillers that running in reverse, thus they are less efficient warming the water. One's designed for pools typically are more efficient at heating then cooling.
-You get finer temperature control in degrees F, but all these generally don't fluctuate more then 1C throughout a day.

- I running these for 1000 gallon systems for sturgeon, they are just pool heat pumps marketed for fish;

These are your gold star heat pump supplier in North America is Aqualogic, they are much more expensive. I have several of the Delta Star series running.
