View Full Version : Water quality

01-30-2016, 12:03 PM
Hello all, I have a lightly planted tank do five 50 to 75% wc a week and gravel vac have grown 3" discus to 6" in 14 months. Have a pair that r spawning eggs hatch and make it to wigglers. They last few days and parents eat them. My question is is the fact that eggs hatch and make it to wigglers is that a sign of good water quality. I always read how test results are not the only factor in determining good water quality and how in a planted system your chances for success are slim. Thanks walt

01-30-2016, 01:00 PM
The fact that 2 of your discus have paired up, spawned, and produced wrigglers is a good sign that your water quality is quite acceptable.

You apparently have a new pairing of first time parents however, and it's not unusual in that situation for one or both parents to eat the eggs or new born wrigglers. They likely need to do it a few more times before they do it properly, & begin caring for the young rather than eating them. But if you want young to grow out, as you recognize a planted tank with gravel substrate isn't the place to do that.

In order to have that achieved though, you need to isolate the pair into a breeding tank, so they feel comfortable and not threatened by the other discus around them.