View Full Version : Discus tired of fdbw?

02-05-2016, 12:44 PM
I'm raising 10 juvie discus in a 55 gallon bare bottom grow out tank with two sponge filters and daily near 100% water changes. Got them on Jan. 1st and they've put on about 1/2" of growth. Their staple was freeze dried blackworms which they've relished until recently. About three or four of them have lost interest in the fdbw, including my largest individual who used to shred the cube apart with gusto. They eagerly eat tetra bits and Hikari Discus Bio-gold, and they beg for food whenever I come downstairs. Most of them want nothing to do with beef heart or other frozen foods including Hikari bloodworms.

Do some otherwise healthy discus get bored with their menu and suddenly refuse particular foods? I find it amusing (and mildly annoying) that some of my discus will only eat flakes and pellets.

02-06-2016, 12:14 AM
I'm raising 10 juvie discus in a 55 gallon bare bottom grow out tank with two sponge filters and daily near 100% water changes. Got them on Jan. 1st and they've put on about 1/2" of growth. Their staple was freeze dried blackworms which they've relished until recently. About three or four of them have lost interest in the fdbw, including my largest individual who used to shred the cube apart with gusto. They eagerly eat tetra bits and Hikari Discus Bio-gold, and they beg for food whenever I come downstairs. Most of them want nothing to do with beef heart or other frozen foods including Hikari bloodworms.

Do some otherwise healthy discus get bored with their menu and suddenly refuse particular foods? I find it amusing (and mildly annoying) that some of my discus will only eat flakes and pellets.

This is the first time I have heard of something like this. I would simply advise to keep feeding it and they may go back on the FDBW. It is a great staple food for them.

02-06-2016, 11:51 AM
This morning, the ones who are rejecting the fdbw are now rejecting the tetrabits and only like hikari bio-gold. They are otherwise eagerly begging for food whenever I walk by. I change almost 100% of the water daily on a bare bottom tank so I don't think it's water issue. I'm stumped.

02-06-2016, 12:15 PM
Could this have something to do with the fact that I use California blackworms rather than the smaller/thinner (from what I've read) Australian blackworms?

02-07-2016, 12:10 PM
I was going to ask if you recently changed brands of FDBW, or maybe got a new batch of the same brand? It could be some difference in taste that the fish are perceiving. You might try soaking the cube in that garlic appetite improver stuff, but that is only a guess. I don't think the Aussie and Cali FDBW are interchangeable, my fish have a definite preference.

02-08-2016, 12:11 AM
I was going to ask if you recently changed brands of FDBW, or maybe got a new batch of the same brand? It could be some difference in taste that the fish are perceiving. You might try soaking the cube in that garlic appetite improver stuff, but that is only a guess. I don't think the Aussie and Cali FDBW are interchangeable, my fish have a definite preference.

Nope, same bag of California fdbw. I should give the Aussie a try. I've been soaking in garlic with no results. Smells nice though. The six of the ten that no longer like fdbw eat other food with gusto, so they don't lack appetite. Oddly enough, the individual who's putting on the most weight and growth will only eat Hikari Bio-gold pellets. This doesn't surprise me; the surgeonfish in my reef tank is fed New Life Spectrum pellets 90% of the time and has gotten quite thick and long. Assuming he doesn't acquire any new tastes, it will be interesting to see just how big he gets on nothing but Hikari Bio-gold. My three year old son will only eat avocado with honey, yogurt, and pasta and is no worse for wear. 99% daily water changes and a menu about 10 different foods; I think I just have a bunch of spoiled brats.

02-08-2016, 10:52 PM
I had no luck with the California fdbw. I tried a few different times and am every try was the same thing, a nibble and then they ignored it till I had to remove it. With Al's fdbw it's always total massacre. I'm too the point where I believe it's laced with cocaine, my fish are addicted!!! In all seriousness Al's fdbw is an amazing product and he is great to deal with. You won't be disappointed.

02-09-2016, 12:15 PM
Without hitting the panic button, young growing juvies that gradually reject more and more food types may have something going on with them internally though your care regimen seems very strong.

Are these also in a bare bottom tank?

02-09-2016, 12:26 PM
I'm raising 10 juvie discus in a 55 gallon bare bottom grow out tank with two sponge filters and daily near 100% water changes.

it is right there Stu

02-09-2016, 03:21 PM
My bad. Though my observation still stands. When this has happened to me it usually indicates some type of problem. Though it's probably too early to tell it they're still eating.

If they're only down to eating the Hikari Bio-Gold, which according to the package has "appetite enhancers" then of course they may stop eating that next.

02-09-2016, 06:27 PM
I had no luck with the California fdbw. I tried a few different times and am every try was the same thing, a nibble and then they ignored it till I had to remove it. With Al's fdbw it's always total massacre. I'm too the point where I believe it's laced with cocaine, my fish are addicted!!! In all seriousness Al's fdbw is an amazing product and he is great to deal with. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks, that good to know. I'll have to try them.

02-09-2016, 06:33 PM
My bad. Though my observation still stands. When this has happened to me it usually indicates some type of problem. Though it's probably too early to tell it they're still eating.

If they're only down to eating the Hikari Bio-Gold, which according to the package has "appetite enhancers" then of course they may stop eating that next.

Hopefully that's not the case. Only one of the discus - the biggest most dominant individual - only eats hikari bio-gold. The others will eat a wider variety ranging from some beefheart to flakes and bloodworms, depending on the individual. Their poop looks normal - dark and thick - and they behave actively with bright colors, eagerly begging for food. So, if it ends up that something is wrong with them, I'd be stumped as to what it is.

02-10-2016, 02:54 AM
To me they look like a spoilt lot... why don't you starve them for a few days.

02-10-2016, 05:01 PM
To me they look like a spoilt lot... why don't you starve them for a few days.

I agree.

I just ordered Al's Aussie fdbw and I'm hoping that they'll all like it. And if my one stubborn but otherwise growing and healthy discus refuses it, a little starving might be in order (I'd only be withholding the bio-gold). Most of them will usually eat at least several items on the menu, but only a few will eat everything that's offered.

I really don't think illness is involved; they're very active, growing, and hungry.

02-13-2016, 11:29 AM
I tried Al's Australian fdbw and everyone loves them.... except my Hikari Bio-gold addict. He'll eat the Bio-gold until his belly is full and he's growing the fastest out of the bunch so it'll be an interesting experiment. It's advertised as a beef heart replacement so it'll be interesting to see how he turns out. When he's bigger I'll try to wean him off the Hikari; I don't want to starve him now since he's so young.

02-13-2016, 11:51 AM
How big are these fish? I have had similar experiences. They usually grow of it. One thing you might want to try is some greens. Chopped frozen spinach is a good one. I think that sometime, a constipating diet like blackworms and dry food only may be to blame for this, and a bit of spinach solves the problem. It could be that the fish really do need just a bit of veggies, and since most of the dried food and flake food has some in it, it might be why they sometimes prefer these to worms. This might also help with the frozen beef heart if you add it in with the beef heart mix (although it could be that the grind you are giving them is just too big for them).

02-13-2016, 06:51 PM
How big are these fish? I have had similar experiences. They usually grow of it. One thing you might want to try is some greens. Chopped frozen spinach is a good one. I think that sometime, a constipating diet like blackworms and dry food only may be to blame for this, and a bit of spinach solves the problem. It could be that the fish really do need just a bit of veggies, and since most of the dried food and flake food has some in it, it might be why they sometimes prefer these to worms. This might also help with the frozen beef heart if you add it in with the beef heart mix (although it could be that the grind you are giving them is just too big for them).

They range from 3 - 3.5 inches. All of them except the Bio-gold addict tear into Al's Australian fdbw that I bought the other day. It's mixed with spinach so they're getting some salad with their meals. I did notice that he started taking a few nips at some stray worms, so he might eventually develop a taste for them. I didn't expect to see such a different reaction to the Aussie fdbw in comparison to the California fdbw; it's like discus crack-cocaine. The cubes appear to have a softer, finer texture.