View Full Version : How many FDBW cubes do you get in one bag? Pros and Cons vs other food sources?

02-10-2016, 04:42 AM
How many cubes do you get in 100 grams and how long do they last you?

How much would you feed 8 3.5"?

They are extremely expensive, so I would hear the pros and cons of FDBW vs other food sources, for example Blackworm flakes, beefheart flakes, frozen blackworms(from Dan). It looks like frozen blackworms are cheaper, in terms of cost per grams. Does anyone know if the frozen flat pack blackworms include the water weight or is it only the blackworms weight?

02-10-2016, 08:04 AM
I have never counted the number of cubes, so I can't answer that question. As for how much to feed your 3.5 inch fish? I'd probably figure 1 cube per 4 fish, so I'd put two cubes in (I'm calculating using worms from Aquatic Suppliers). That would be the morning feeding, and I'd do the same in the evening. During the day I feed beef heart flakes using auto feeders.

The pros of FDBWs are that they are extremely high in protein, the don't foul the water, the fish usually go crazy for them, and they're easy to feed. The cons, as you mentioned, are the cost. Cheapest food is probably beef heart mix, but can be messy.

You can probably get by with a good quality flake that includes vitamins, that wouldn't be too expensive. I've never fed frozen blackworms, so can't advise you there.

02-10-2016, 09:35 AM
With the frozen worms, your paying for the 97% water that the worms are comprised off, so that is not an apples to apples comparison.

02-10-2016, 10:38 AM
My experience is that a 200g bag of cubes lasts my 7 adult discus for 3 months. But that probably comprises 2/3 of their diet (4-6 cubes per day). If you fed it exclusively, you could buy more at a time which is less pricey. I think I remember Al suggesting they can last 6 months when stored properly, so buy bigger lots.

I also feed frozen, but to me, that is the expensive stuff, probably because shipping adds so much to it (I can't find Hikari locally, and that's all I want for FBW.)

Pellets are by far the cheapest, and my fish love them, too, but the worms really fill them up! I suppose if you want the best quality for the cost, I would agree with Don that would be homemade beefheart mix.

02-10-2016, 12:31 PM
For me FDBW is easily worth the cost. You should get 100 grams and try it out.