View Full Version : Moving Fry

02-12-2016, 03:12 PM
My breeding water is 60 TDS and pH5.5
After approximately 3 to 4 weeks I remove the parents, particularly if they are getting beat up.

Afterwards, I begin to slowly raise these values after removal of the parents, usually after a week they are at pH 7.2 with a 250 TDS. I don’t know if I this is stressful for the fry since they are rather fragile at this stage.

Recently, I’ve been keeping the fry in the same water in which the parents spawned, and they seem to be progressing nicely.

Is it acceptable to continue to keep the fry in the soft water until they are older/larger (2 inches) to better handle the transmission to a higher/harder water environment?
I’m curious if moving them earlier and or later is a benefit?

02-12-2016, 03:34 PM
They grow slower if you do and there is absolutely no need to change the water over slowly. I have been keeping my breeders in 100% RO and when the eggs hatch I change them over to 100% RO waste water. I do this with daily 50& water changes. They can handle the change fine. When I pull the fry from the tank I just reverse this process. If the tank needs a good cleaning I might go from waste water to RO using a 70% - 80% water change.


02-12-2016, 03:41 PM
They grow slower if you do and there is absolutely no need to change the water over slowly. I have been keeping my breeders in 100% RO and when the eggs hatch I change them over to 100% RO waste water. I do this with daily 50& water changes. They can handle the change fine. When I pull the fry from the tank I just reverse this process. If the tank needs a good cleaning I might go from waste water to RO using a 70% - 80% water change.


Holy mackerel John,
I was told that the slightest sudden change in pH (as little as .2) would negatively impact them. Are you taking just about hardness or pH? You have me very curious.

02-12-2016, 03:52 PM
I have not checked the ph in roughly 20 years. You can find lots of internet experts that will tell you all kinds of crap but it doesn't make it so....LOL. I do not know the hardness swing between my ro and ro waste. I don't check that either.....


02-12-2016, 04:03 PM
I have not checked the ph in roughly 20 years. You can find lots of internet experts that will tell you all kinds of crap but it doesn't make it so....LOL. I do not know the hardness swing between my ro and ro waste. I don't check that either.....


I'm the same as John.As soon as I have wigglers I'm changing off the ro to tap thru 50% wc's.The only thing different I do is for the first three weeks or so their water is aged 24hrs especialy in the winter because of micro bubbles and added chems to the tap.

02-12-2016, 04:11 PM
I also age my water. In the attic of the fish house are 7 330 gallon water containers that catch the ro and ro waster water. My ro units only get turned off to change their filters...LOL.


02-12-2016, 05:02 PM
I still haven't figured out what to do with my ro waste.No room to store,going to try and get it out to the pool and pond in the summer time.

02-12-2016, 07:29 PM
I have not checked the ph in roughly 20 years. You can find lots of internet experts that will tell you all kinds of crap but it doesn't make it so....LOL. I do not know the hardness swing between my ro and ro waste. I don't check that either.....


ok, ok, ok, ok , so i have been needl?essly preoccupied with slight fluctuations in pH?? I age my water for over 24 hours, I explode it with air, I heat the storage water and monitor the pH and TDS like a mad scientist, I fret over the slightest changes in water chemistry, my fish room more or less resembles a research lab. I have plenty of water storage capacity, I can produce 600gpd of RO but am so concerned with abrupt water chemistry changes I drip it in slowly 24/7. Have I been misguided? Tell me John, and I will turn the valve and flush my tanks with water cleaner than what my wife and I drink. Obviously, I have limited experience with breeding. I have difficulty raising the fry for sure. I have been learning and listening and researching and am confused about the conflicting advice from various "trusted" resources, my failures outnumber my successes but not for lack of trying. I love this forum, perhaps I will see you at NADA with good news.

02-12-2016, 08:06 PM
The only time I am a little bit carful is when they are still stuck on the cone before free swimming,I don't want to knock them off.Otherwise I drain 50% and when I fill I let the water hit the side of the tank and down as far from the pair and fry as I can if possible.

Jack L
02-12-2016, 10:05 PM
ok, ok, ok, ok , so i have been needl?essly preoccupied with slight fluctuations in pH?? I age my water for over 24 hours, I explode it with air, I heat the storage water and monitor the pH and TDS like a mad scientist, I fret over the slightest changes in water chemistry, my fish room more or less resembles a research lab. I have plenty of water storage capacity, I can produce 600gpd of RO but am so concerned with abrupt water chemistry changes I drip it in slowly 24/7. Have I been misguided? Tell me John, and I will turn the valve and flush my tanks with water cleaner than what my wife and I drink. Obviously, I have limited experience with breeding. I have difficulty raising the fry for sure. I have been learning and listening and researching and am confused about the conflicting advice from various "trusted" resources, my failures outnumber my successes but not for lack of trying. I love this forum, perhaps I will see you at NADA with good news.

Well if you learned something in the process or have fun being obsessive.... It isn't a waste : )

02-13-2016, 10:33 AM
Yes Jack, despite my rant, I have learned more in the last year about plumbing and electricity than in the last 50. Just have keep in mind never to mix the two - a horrifyingly, unpleasant experience, I might add.

My wife and I are really having a blast. For us, Discus keeping is the perfect blend of alchemy and passion. We've already registered for 2016 NADA Discus Show and reserved our room at The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center. Should be fun! If you'll excuse me, I have to go check my pH...