View Full Version : My first impressions of discus

02-13-2016, 12:02 PM
My experience is totally new and I haven't had them long at all but about a month and a half after purchasing my 2 inch juveniles I've learned the following:

- Discus are not as hard to keep as I thought. In fact, other than one finicky individual (who ironically grows the fastest on just Bio-gold), I find their care straightforward. 95% percent daily water changes, a bare bottom tank, and plenty of feeding = happy discus.

- They're not at all shy, or at least mine aren't. Their grow out tank is next to the living room couch where they witness constant traffic and three active young children. Nothing spooks them and I've even witnessed some of them on their sides pecking at crumbs in 1 inch of water during a water change.

- They grow fast. The biggest individuals have grown 1.5" inches in a few weeks. The only other fish I've had that grew that fast was a managuense.

- They're very observant, curiously watching any activity in the room, including the tv. When no one is in the room, they crowd toward the end of the tank facing the stairs, waiting for someone to come down.

- They're tame and trusting. I can pet several of them as they eat.

- In 15 years of marriage, these are the first fish in which my wife has taken an interest. There must be something about them.

So far, out of more than 30 years of fish keeping, including reef aquariums, discus are my favorite. I can't wait to see them mature into adults (knocking on wood).

02-13-2016, 12:32 PM
You've had a proper start with discus, and your impressions, attitude, and results are great.
Look forward to seeing pics of your fish as of now, and a few months from now.