View Full Version : White butterfly discus

02-18-2016, 01:24 AM
Hey everyone,

Looking at these some really nice ones...dont know much tho about them..Pro's/Cons, Conditions to look right. all the queestions you could think of ...Spell it out :D haha

02-18-2016, 10:32 PM
Hey everyone,

Looking at these some really nice ones...dont know much tho about them..Pro's/Cons, Conditions to look right. all the queestions you could think of ...Spell it out :D haha

White scorpions would benefit greatly in being in a tank that is lighter in color. Stay away from black or dark blues. Pastel colors would be nice and a bottom that is also painted a white or some similar color. These are beautiful discus but shouldn't be treated any different from other discus aside from what I mentioned above which is a caution taken often with PB's.