View Full Version : Filter upgrade question

02-18-2016, 10:13 PM
I am planning to change from a HOB to a canister filter. My plan was to run both initially and once the canister gets established remove the HOB.

I assume that would work? How long after adding the new filter would it be safe to remove the old? Last time I changed filters I replaced it with the same kind and just transferred all the media and was wondering the best way to get a new filter up on an established tank without causing problems. If there is a better way I am all for it.

Change would be from a Tetra Whisper 60 HOB to a Cascade Canister 1000.


02-18-2016, 10:29 PM
It will take a few weeks but I have always left a filter in a month just to make sure. In all honesty though, if you do big daily water changes, chances are that the time can be cut back significantly.

02-18-2016, 10:36 PM
:bandana: Why not run both?? What size tank, how heavy a load are we talkin? "T"

02-18-2016, 11:26 PM
55 gallons. 5 discus, 2 German blue rams , 6 cardinals /6 glowlights. Planted, gravel substrate that I vacuum a bit each change and really well twice a week except where there are roots. Doing 40-50% daily water changes. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-5ppm nitrate on the liquid test kit. Use dipsticks for hardness and best I can tell from them gh under 30 and KH under 40, color closer to 0 for both than 30 or 40. Ph 7.2. Ran for a year as a community tank of small fish all but cardinals/glowlights got moved to a smaller community tank before I increased the temp to 84 started daily water changes and a month ago added the 5 discus together. German rams a week ago after QT was over. I use tap water with Prime. Small feedings 3xday.

If having both filters on at once is good, works for me. The HOB is newish and the canister coming soon. Not having any problems currently with tank or fish, but thought more filtration can't hurt.

02-19-2016, 01:11 PM
:bandana: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

02-19-2016, 01:32 PM
55 gallons. 5 discus, 2 German blue rams , 6 cardinals /6 glowlights. Planted, gravel substrate that I vacuum a bit each change and really well twice a week except where there are roots. Doing 40-50% daily water changes. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-5ppm nitrate on the liquid test kit. Use dipsticks for hardness and best I can tell from them gh under 30 and KH under 40, color closer to 0 for both than 30 or 40. Ph 7.2. Ran for a year as a community tank of small fish all but cardinals/glowlights got moved to a smaller community tank before I increased the temp to 84 started daily water changes and a month ago added the 5 discus together. German rams a week ago after QT was over. I use tap water with Prime. Small feedings 3xday.

If having both filters on at once is good, works for me. The HOB is newish and the canister coming soon. Not having any problems currently with tank or fish, but thought more filtration can't hurt.

I have a 55 gal planted community as well. I have a cascade 1000 and a Marineland Emperor 400. Im running both currently. My plan was the same as yours keep the HOB going till my canister was established then remove the HOB. I just kept both running, figure it could only be beneficial for better filtration. Just make sure you dont have a crazy current. Use the long spray bar it comes with. I have half my tank with little to no current if fish need to rest or relax. I have a nice current on the far left which my rummynose and Neon rainbows love. ;)

Good luck.

02-20-2016, 03:08 PM
More filtration could never hurt a fish. More current can though.So if you can fix the current you can run the tank with two filters.

Anyway if you decide to run the canister only I think you shouldn't have any problems as long as you transfer all the biomedia from the HOB.

02-20-2016, 07:39 PM
you can never have too much bio filtration :)

02-20-2016, 07:55 PM
True but at some point it levels out.

Darrell Ward
02-21-2016, 01:15 AM
I would just take out the media from the HOB, and put it the canister, then you can remove the HOB. After a couple of weeks or so, you can take the media from the HOB out of the canister.