View Full Version : Can anyone help ?

02-22-2016, 06:33 PM
Hi everyone . Just received 2 amazing discus from Kenny . They been eating really good and doing great . This morning I woke up and my snakeskin had what it looks like a little scrape on its forehead . Maybe from bumping into something ???Is this something to worry about or is it something else ? Any help would be great Thanks

02-23-2016, 01:17 AM
pics are helpful. anytime my guys get dings or scrapes i increase my water changes to boost immunity and promote healing. cant go wrong with a good wc

02-23-2016, 01:21 AM
Kyla is spot on here... Clean clean water and that is gone in a few days ... It happens depending on what is it your tank... Be careful of sharp edges and things sticking out in bad places. Discus can and will dart or scurry, especially new ones so it is best to keep the potential hazards at a minimum. But do daily WC and that's gone in a few days for sure.

02-23-2016, 01:29 AM
pics are helpful. anytime my guys get dings or scrapes i increase my water changes to boost immunity and promote healing. cant go wrong with a good wc

Thank you that's what's Ima do

02-23-2016, 01:31 AM
Kyla is spot on here... Clean clean water and that is gone in a few days ... It happens depending on what is it your tank... Be careful of sharp edges and things sticking out in bad places. Discus can and will dart or scurry, especially new ones so it is best to keep the potential hazards at a minimum. But do daily WC and that's gone in a few days for sure.

Yes I think it was that . I have a small piece of driftwood . I will increase my water changes thank you !!

02-23-2016, 01:38 AM
I have driftwood as well and I am often knocking off pieces that tend to "sprout" lol... Or they rub as they chase around and my driftwood is pretty aged and smoothe... I recently had a guy with a similar mark and it was gone in 3 day tops wih daily WC and aged water ... They are amazing healers!

02-23-2016, 08:04 AM
if your driftwood has sharp edges u could try pulling it from the tank and sanding down the jagged areas. but if they get spooked even heaters and intake tubes can give a good scratch. they do typically heal quite fast but be sure to watch any injuries for sighs of infection too, just in case.

02-23-2016, 08:41 AM
If your fish are in a high traffic area they could be prone to spooking initially. They also can spook when the lights are off or if they have just woke up and people are moving around the tank. The flight response is a natural mechanism. You can minimize it by setting your lights to go on 30 mins before you are up and about.and shut them off after you are heading off to sleep. Or you can leave a night light on.


ps.. That scrape is very minor and will probably heal in a few short days.

02-23-2016, 09:44 AM
I agree with everyone here that this just looks like a little scrape and will heal on its own in a few days with normal water changes. beautiful fish OP

02-23-2016, 01:19 PM
oops sorry, i said pics would be helpful but im on an iphone so i couldnt see u already posted pics!

02-23-2016, 11:01 PM
Thank you guys ! Been doing larger water changes and I can tell it's going away ����