View Full Version : 125 Gallon Planted Red Turq Tank

03-05-2016, 04:46 PM
Hi Everyone,

I figured I would start a thread on my foray into a planted discus aquarium. Back in my teens 20 years ago, I had the fortune of breeding a pair in a less than ideal tank. I've also had some fun breeding Synodontis cats. Since 1995, I've been primarily involved in the reefkeeping hobby. My pride and joy is a 220 gallon reef tank, where my favorite fish is my 6 year old Regal Angelfish.

Down in our finished basement is my home office. I kept a nano-reef there for years, but ultimately had a desire to get back into freshwater. Discus continued to my favorite freshwater fish, but I had no interest in a barebottom tank. I really enjoy planted tanks, and have kept a small nano planted tank in my daughter's room for her Betta. I decided to go with a large low tech planted tank for the discus. The plan was for a "semi-biotope". I say "semi", because I decided to go for a non-wild discus strain. Plus the plants are from everywhere and most discus habitats don't look like planted tanks. :) But tankmates will all be South American, even if they don't exist in the same regions.

The largest tank I could fit in the nook was a 125. I would have preferred a 180, but it would have obstructed a built in cabinet. I debated going taller to a 150, but didn't care for the look of the taller tank.

Substrate: I added a light dusting of osmocote + to the tank bottom before filling with 2-3 inches of pool sand.

Lighting: Two Ecoxotic e-series fixtures that are 36" each, running at 40% intensity.

Filtration: An Eheim 2217, A sponge filter in the corner, and an internal power filter in the opposite corner. The power filter is used for quick mechanical and chemical filtration. The Eheim canister is filled with biological media, and the sponge filter acts as a backup along with adding some aeration. A second Eheim 2217 is on the way and I plan to remove the internal power filter. I also have a small Tunze stream that runs before water changes.

Fish: 5 "Super Red Turq's" from Chicago Discus(5 inch), 6 Lemon Tetras, 3 Otto's, A 'super red' Ancistrus, 4 German Blue Rams, and a few types of Corydoras.




03-05-2016, 04:49 PM
You have awesome turquoise.

03-05-2016, 06:28 PM
Welcome to simply discus and discus keeping Mark. I am also a fan of planted aquariums so i will be following the raise of your scape along with the growth of this beautiful batch of discus . Maybe you could have put some more discus in this big tank , but thats a personal prefference.
Anyway , good luck with your start.

03-05-2016, 06:53 PM
Very cool, look forward to it growing in some.

03-06-2016, 08:51 AM
Thanks All!

Maybe you could have put some more discus in this big tank , but thats a personal prefference.
Anyway , good luck with your start

I had originally planned to do Altum's, and may at some point add some. But that might make the bioload higher than I like.