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View Full Version : sick/stressed discus? new to this, help please!

03-07-2016, 04:29 AM
Hi everyone sorry if I've posted in the wrong bit, new to this forum & discus in general.
I got 3 discus about a week ago, which were my first ever discus though i have admired them for a long time. They are in my community tank & i've been watching them very carefully. All was well no signs of stress at all & everyone was getting along.
Noticed last night that one of them had little white dots on its top fin. Today it has more dots (tried to upload a pic but it won't let me :/ ) Looks like little bits of cotton, doesn't look like the white spot disease to me but I could be wrong.
It's also going quite dark in colour not quite black but very dark, but periodically. So it goes back to almost normal for a few minutes then back to dark. One of the other discus has 'bitten' it a couple of times, looks like pecking but they are usually really close together when this happens almost rubbing each other. Also the stressed discus has been vibrating it's tail fin. Otherwise it's eating fine & still swimming around the tank. Did a water change but otherwise I don't know what to do.
Any ideas or suggestions? I will try to upload a pic again once this has posted.

03-07-2016, 08:34 AM
First thing that comes to mind is what is you water temperature in the community tank?. How times and how big are are water changes? What kind of other fishes are in the tank? Did you quarantine your Discus before adding them to the community tank?.Discus need lots of fresh, clean, warm water and they do well in groups of six or more.