View Full Version : A pair in 40 gallon tank

03-14-2016, 03:52 PM
I would like to start keeping discus. I have been raising tropical fish for several years now and I currently have a planted tank with M. Bosemani. I know about cycling, keeping the tank clean etc.

My only problem is at this point I do not have the funds to buy a very large tank for the discuss the this time. I was hoping to eventually buy a 90 gallon tank in about 3 to 6 months with a reverse osmosis filter and a number of other accoutrements. At this point I have a 40 gallon tank with aUV canister filter that I would like to start with. My question is is it feasible to start with a discus pair in a 40 gallon tank? In 3 to 6 months I would upgrade and get more discus.

Would a pair find it too stressful to be by themselves in such a tank ?. I understand the disc is a schooling fish prefer to be in a group of six or more. I have looked on the forum but I seem to see varying opinions. One states that you should start with the largest tank that you can afford. Another states that they started with a breeding pair and a 30 gallon tank?

Thank you

03-14-2016, 05:03 PM

Having a "pair" would be fine in a 40 gallon tank, if they are actually a pair though... Are you planning on getting a confirmed breeding pair or a possible pair or by pair do you mean just 2 discus... 2 random discus in a 40 gallon is not a good idea, mostly for the reasons you have already stated... They prefer a group and if you have two fish who do not get along they will stay after one another causing one or both to be very stressed and possibly fall ill...

If you have a confirmed pair or possible pair then you can do them in as small as a 20 gallon tank...

If you are definitely going to upgrade and you know for sure you will, why not get a group of smaller or younger discus and grow them in the 40 until your tank is ready then you will have a nice group ready to transfer?

People have and do keep discus in smaller tanks, but it is not recommended, especially by new keepers. Even with just a pair you have to be ready to change a lot of water and keep it clean and them healthy...

Feel free to ask more questions, but without further info of what you intend to but I can't offer much more advice than what I have already said...

03-14-2016, 10:08 PM
Phil has summed it up for you. Raising discus is a bit different from other fishes but they are not as hard as some folks make it be, just lots of fresh, clean warm water.As you are going to start for the first time go through stickies in the beginners section. And also read up this thread http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?86009-Beginner-s-Guide-to-Getting-Started-with-Discus Watch this video https://youtu.be/VXe3VKh7qF8