View Full Version : Spoiled brats

03-17-2016, 01:09 AM
Hi all, greetings from Australia. I am new to the forum and have found that it's very useful and informative!
So, i have a group of eight discus (12-14cm ish), in a 6ft tank. Three of them eats everything, the rests only wants freeze dried blackworms. I introduced Tropical wild discus gran, but only the three eats them. I don't really like to starve them, but is it ok to just feed them freeze dried blackworms everyday? They also take frozen brine shrimps. Thanks in advance!

03-18-2016, 09:00 AM
Have you tried preparing the other fish food? It might be that they go after what floats or stays suspended in the water in the form of a cube.

03-18-2016, 09:57 AM
A good varied diet is best for sure, my discus like beef heart mix, Hikari frozen bloodworms, Hikari frozen brine shrimps, shredded Beef heart and Hikari Discus Bio-Gold pellets and of course most go crazy over Freeze Dried Australian Black worms. With any new food try feeding them as the first meal of the day.Some folks skip a few days of feeding and then introduce new foods. Hope this helps.

03-26-2016, 06:07 PM
Bump...I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on a Australian fdbw only diet. I understand a varied diet is best, but I don't do beefheart due to substrate and water quality. I'd also like to get away from flakes since they dirty my water as well. That leaves me feeding primarily fdbw and occasionally tetra bits.

03-28-2016, 11:10 PM
You can do FDBW and pellets/flakes only and you will be fine.