View Full Version : Water Pump/ Water Storage Question

03-28-2016, 11:26 AM
Good morning everyone,

So recently I set up some water storage barrels for RO water. I am having trouble pumping the water back into the aquarium after water changes because I've been using syphon hoses, the air doesn't always create a good flow. If I purchase this eHeim pump at 75 GPH would I be able to submerge it in the storage barrel to pump the RO water back into my tanks??

03-28-2016, 12:39 PM
How far do you have to pump it? How much head height? And where did you get those barrels ?

03-28-2016, 01:14 PM
I use a similar pump, mine may be a tad stronger but same basic pump and it works perfectly. Mine is a RIO i believe and they can be had quite cheaply on amazon, along with many other similar products. I think even a friend locally mentioned he got some no name brand on there for like $15 and it does a great job...

However, Devon brings up some great questions, in my case I wheel a 55 gallon garbage can to the side of my tank and pump right in. If your buckets are stationary and you have to go a distance then you may need a bigger or different pump to meet your needs.

03-28-2016, 01:28 PM
Careful with the no name brand, i recently bought a 320 gph powerhead off eBay, it works great but it does not pump out 320gph ! My ehiem 55gph does a way better job. It cost me $18 bucks fro the no name pump btw.

03-28-2016, 01:43 PM
Thanks Manny, so maybe they are hit or miss... I have never used them and have always had the rio pumps... Way back when, my LFS in Manhattan only carried them so I had them and after that stuck with what I know. Now with the backing of amazon and a pump I know I go that route...

03-28-2016, 02:00 PM
I use one of these for pumping water where the barrel is on the same floor as the tank:


And just bought one of these to pump from the basement to the 1st floor:


03-29-2016, 11:27 AM
I use a similar pump, mine may be a tad stronger but same basic pump and it works perfectly. Mine is a RIO i believe and they can be had quite cheaply on amazon, along with many other similar products. I think even a friend locally mentioned he got some no name brand on there for like $15 and it does a great job...

However, Devon brings up some great questions, in my case I wheel a 55 gallon garbage can to the side of my tank and pump right in. If your buckets are stationary and you have to go a distance then you may need a bigger or different pump to meet your needs.

Distance shouldn't matter. Height difference does. Pumps are rated in head height which essentially describes the height that a pump can move water above itself. In theory a pump can push water an infinite distance when horizontal.

03-29-2016, 02:25 PM
75gpg is pretty low IMHO. I currently have one rated at 320 and that takes a while to do WC's in my setup IMHO. However, keep in mind, I am not that patient and can always have things go FASTER.