View Full Version : Question regarding my feeding time

03-28-2016, 11:54 PM

I have 5 juveniles around 4 inches. What is the best feeding plan do you recommend for a people who work 9 to 5 daily? I have both Discus Granules from Sera and bloodworms. Is is possible not to overfeed the fish? At the moment I only give 1 teapoonful of granules every morning and half cube bloodworms in the evening. Am I underfeeding? The fish looks great but they always look hungry all the time. If I gave too much food, they just ate the first half and ignore the rest of it that scattered on the sand.

03-29-2016, 01:42 PM
Not only do I think you are underfeeding, but also you aren't feeding that great of a food. I would seriously consider buying some FDBW's instead of bloodworms and feed a quality pellet. Not saying the tetrabits are that bad, I use to feed it, but there are other pellets that may be far better available to you in Sydney.