View Full Version : Discus fish most common diseases and what medication should we keep in our aqua room?

04-19-2016, 05:02 PM
Hello guys .. Just a simple question what is the most common diseases for discus fish and what medication i should always keep in my fish room and for the deworming too . Reason why it's because i live i country where medication is forbidden to sell in LFS . So i would like to order some so im more less safe with that ..

04-20-2016, 01:15 AM
Metro for Hex
Prazi for intestinal parasites
Methylene blue for mild fin infections
Maracyn for bacterial
What I keep on hand at all times

04-20-2016, 06:07 AM
Thanks for replay . Maybe you have some links for the items like in ebay or so ?

04-20-2016, 08:00 AM
The most common disease they get is called bad water. If people would simply change 50% of their water a day in a bare bottom tank the vast majority of fish would never get sick to begin with.


04-20-2016, 09:05 AM

The most common disease they get is called bad water. If people would simply change 50% of their water a day in a bare bottom tank the vast majority of fish would never get sick to begin with.


04-20-2016, 04:23 PM
True enough what i have learned its discus best meds are clean water but even with daily 50% water changes people get in trouble ..

04-21-2016, 04:21 PM
- Kanamycin Sulfate for internal infections (not eating)
- Metronidazole (similar to above)
- Maracyn 2 / Minocycline (for occasional Popeye and Dropsy)
- PraziPro / Praziquantel (worming and gill flukes)

I use Metro and Prazi in my qt. procedure anyway just to be on the safe side.

John is right on the money. Most of the problems can be avoided by proper care and regular water changes, especially the water changes.

04-22-2016, 01:34 AM
Good post. Too many quick reactions to using meds. Also never use combo meds. Always stsrt with basics. Up the wcs, wipe down walls and keep
Parameters even.
First thing I was told way back when . 18 years ago or more. Gdawc. Thought they were nuts. But they were right.
teddyJ and Cary .

04-22-2016, 01:57 AM
The best medicine we should keep is cleaned aged water with SAFE.