View Full Version : New guy - Hi!

04-19-2016, 07:24 PM
Cheers! Cool forum. I've been reading for some time. I just got my registration figured out so I can say hi. I'm ready to enjoy discus again. I had them, exactly thirty years ago and had a breeding pair that raised their broods. This was in a community 55 with an under gravel filter and a small outside one that I simply put a divider in. Back then, I always believed that changing water was the most important thing. This was in Des Plaines, Il. Good Lake Michigan water right out of the tap with no treatment. One five gallon bucket at a time.
Fast forward to today. I'm ready to get back Into to discus. I set up a planted 120 as a show tank intended for discus. That will have to wait. I have tetras and Bolivian Rams till my discus are ready. I want to post a pic, but can't figure out how. I have a 56 that was my first planted tank adventure. I learned a lot. Let's leave it at that... When I set up the 120 I moved all the fish from the 56 to the 120, 14 each Cardinals and rummynose, five corys and five Bolivian Rams. Best move I could have made. I wasn't intending to tear down the 56, but it was a rat's nest of plants and a billion snails. I stripped it down and am going to use it as a grow out tank, very thin red flint gravel, driftwood and three plants in pots. I have a new 29 for my qt intro tank. I would like to post pics, but can't seem to figure out how. I think my 56 build will be of interest to some. Please advise how to do so. Maybe because I'm posting on my cellphone. Thanks a million. Again, cool forum, seems to have a bit of an edge to it, but a person shouldn't be afraid to earn respect. Hi!

04-19-2016, 07:52 PM
Welcome to SimplyDiscus William1.you mention that you ready to get back into to discus so you know what to do. Post some pictures of your set up if you can.

04-19-2016, 07:55 PM
Hi William welcome. To post pictures you have to upload to photobucket or similar then copy the IMG code on the right of image and insert here.

For the grow out tank you will want to scrap the gravel and go barebottom. Feed often throughout the day and follow with large water changes. This will give optimal levels of food/nutrients to your fish while keeping the water quality high.

04-19-2016, 08:17 PM
Hey Zach - my plan is a bare bottom 29 painted three sides for a bit to grow and future breeding tank, 56 with a light gravel substrate and three potted plants and two driftwood pieces I've had for these 30 years, for the next phase of the grow out. I'm putting 3 albino corys in the 56 and want to get about 15 black royal emporer tetras in there till it's ready for the discus. I always wanted those tetras. I can put them in my tetra intensive 120 if it is a cramp in the 56 with the discus. So, bare bottom 29, to a minimal substrate and other stuff 56, to some day in the planted 120 for some guys, and some guys stay in the 56, and two lovers in the 29. That's the plan. Nothing to it, right?, BK

04-19-2016, 08:42 PM
You may be new here but you're not new. You were able to breed and raise Discus doing what we now consider doing everything wrong. You realize the important thing. Changing water is paramount. Welcome to the forum.

04-19-2016, 09:22 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback. I've been reading and researching long enough here to think I know some of you. Fish geeks rock. A beautiful fish tank is the perfect blend between art and science. Onward towards the fog.
Hate to be a dork, but how to I post pics? I got stuff. Cheers!

04-19-2016, 09:25 PM
Hey Zach - my plan is a bare bottom 29 painted three sides for a bit to grow and future breeding tank, 56 with a light gravel substrate and three potted plants and two driftwood pieces I've had for these 30 years, for the next phase of the grow out. I'm putting 3 albino corys in the 56 and want to get about 15 black royal emporer tetras in there till it's ready for the discus. I always wanted those tetras. I can put them in my tetra intensive 120 if it is a cramp in the 56 with the discus. So, bare bottom 29, to a minimal substrate and other stuff 56, to some day in the planted 120 for some guys, and some guys stay in the 56, and two lovers in the 29. That's the plan. Nothing to it, right?, BK

Seems to me you got this. What were you questioning again? Lol welcome back to the hobby and enjoy, you will probably see some things have changed but the fundamentals I'm sure are the same.

04-19-2016, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback. I've been reading and researching long enough here to think I know some of you guys. That's not creepy, trust me. Fish geeks rock. A beautiful fish tank is the perfect blend between art and science. Onward towards the fog.
Hate to be a dork, but how to I post pics? I got stuff. Cheers!

Upload your photos to photobucket or similar, then on the bottom right side of the photo you will have a code that says IMG near it. Click on it and it will say "copied". Come here and paste the IMG code and it'll be done!

04-19-2016, 09:41 PM
Zach - if you could be so kind, when I post a reply, how do I attach a pic. What is the next basic step? What do I click on the forum site to do so? - I embrace all new technogy, although it is always seemingly one simple step from the promised land. And just when you get it figured out... They change it.

04-19-2016, 09:45 PM
Zach - if you could be so kind, when I post a reply, how do I attach a pic. What is the next basic step? What do I click on the forum site to do so? - I embrace all new technogy, although it is always seemingly one simple step from the promised land. And just when you get it figured out... They change it.

When you click to type in your reply, you simply right click and click paste. It will just insert the URL that you copied from photobucket. So, you will have what ever you type and then the URL or code for that image. When you submit your reply - you will see the picture, not the URL you pasted.

You can also click on advanced reply, scroll down to manage attachments - upload and then select an image on your computer. A mod may be able to walk you through that part as I have always found it a tad troublesome so I prefer the photobucket method.

04-19-2016, 09:51 PM
Image icon >from computer>select files( Open folder your image is in)click on image >open > upload and post hope this helps