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View Full Version : Does anybody have experience with Uatama blues from John/snook21?

04-21-2016, 01:54 PM
I appreciate any feedback greatly. I am ready to pull the trigger on eight of these beauties, so thought I would ask. Wish me luck!

04-21-2016, 02:00 PM
Oh just get them already will ya!!! Haha j/k...

As you know, I have chimed in on your other posts... I think you are making a great call... for that price, why the heck now, I mean you will end up with some great stuff...

Have you reached John? Does he still have them in?

04-21-2016, 02:10 PM
I bought few fish from John. I would say 50/50, some are nice and some are not so nice. it's your call

04-21-2016, 02:26 PM
I bought few fish from John. I would say 50/50, some are nice and some are not so nice. it's your call
I drove 8 hours one way to keep that from happening .. He wouldn't ever send me pics of the exact fish just a group pic ..

04-21-2016, 02:34 PM
I was actually going to follow this up with something similar but you guys sort of beat me to it... Unlike many of the sponsors here who will let you select from a picture or a video, John doesn't seem to do that... Why? I really don't know, not sure if he isn't tech saavy, if he see's it as a waste of time or maybe most of his customer base are fine with his selection and don't ask? Not really sure...

My advice, and it may seem funny or off but I make a pain in the *** of myself and I m not afraid to admit it... Ask most of the sponsors who have dealt with me, lol. Now don't get me wrong I don't think I am over the top but I do go out of my way to ask questions to make requests and all of that. If you are spending your $ on something, especially something like this that you have to care for, look after, etc. You want your moneys worth and then some! I typically order at least a few fish at a time and the price can easily rise, if I am going to drop close to a grand on fish, you better believe I want what I want...

Even this time around, I ran through some sponsors, narrowed down my choices, found pics of things I wanted to help John base his selection of... Once he assured me he could come close to what I was asking for, I then pulled the trigger...

I have to say, I have heard other stories and remarks, of tattered fish, 50/50 etc... My last order of 5, all besides one, who is just on the smaller side and seems to be the flavor of the week for bullying, even at his size, his shape is great, fins are great. He is the only one I am like ah about and would trade him in, the other 4 are just top notch, at least in my eyes...

Google and look up pics of the type you want and what not and flat out ask john, what do you have left how are the bodies, shapes sizes color etc... from my experience he was honest. I showed him a pic of a fish I liked, he told me he had 2 that were close. Now he could have told me he had all 5 and sent me 3 bad ones and 2 good, but he told me he had 2 and that he would get the other 3 in a diff type as that I would like them better, I appreciated and respected that advice and thats what I did and I ma very happy...

04-21-2016, 02:51 PM
He says he's got em, so I'm gonna get em. Thanks for the advice and recommendation. It is priceless. Wish me luck! I'll post when I get confirmation of my order. Stay cool, BK

04-21-2016, 09:07 PM
I had bought fish from John . I have to say they are pretty decent casual grade fish especially for the price, among them was a Red Rio Uatuma from him although his shape is not as good as a selection fish.
his red color is striking and consistent is actually better that some of my Cuipeaus that tend to fade for couple hours after WC before to return to their normal coloration.
So I said go for it.

04-22-2016, 02:13 PM
Well guys, I'm in for eight shipping first week of May. Med Uatuma blues. More than a tad psyched. 3-4" fish. They are going straight into my 56. Going to be very thin substrate, two pieces of driftwood, and three plants in pots. I will post pics, maybe a build thread. Need to paint my stand, tank and backdrop and set it up. I just tore it down so my filter is cycled. Very exciting to think I will be keeping eight wild caught fish from the Amazon. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. Wish me luck! BK