View Full Version : frightened fish

04-22-2016, 10:23 AM
I have had 7 fish in an 75 gal bb tank for 2 mts. They are 4 to 41/2 in and are about 5 mts old.
They are healthy looking and eat well. Water params are well water, amonia -0, nitrites- 0,nitrates- 0 to .5 and hardness 100ppm. Temp- 81-82 F.
Problem- when I come into the room they head for the back corner and hide behind the sponge filter.
They won't come out for about 15 min or more.The light over the tank is a single 48 in , full spectrum florescent
suspended 2 ft above the tank over the back and angled away so the light is very subdued. There is also 2 windows, east facing
that are not very bright.
If they don't see me they swim around acting normal.
I have had numerous fish in this tank over the years and never have experienced anything like this.
I have tried everything I know,lights, ect. and nothing works.
Any ideas?
I should add that my fish room is in the basement and I'm the only one that goes in there.

Thanks for any help you can give.

04-22-2016, 12:08 PM
i find that the more time i spend hanging out with my fish the less skittish they are. some ppl suggest light coloured clothing helps.

04-22-2016, 12:20 PM
I find they get less skittish when you sit for some time in front of the tank,I sit for 10 to 15 mins before feeding time and sit for a little while after I drop the food and watch them eat.Soon they associate the sitting as food time. Like Kyla mentioned light clothing helps.

Second Hand Pat
04-22-2016, 12:30 PM
When you approach the tank do you walk in front of a window?

04-22-2016, 01:07 PM
They just aren't used to you yet. He tank is in the basement and you said you are the only one that goes down. Give them more time and they will be fine.

04-22-2016, 01:27 PM
you may try adding some manzanita wood, having things in the tank that they feel could be useful as hiding spots sometimes helps them feel more confident.

04-25-2016, 07:16 PM
screaming loudly while jumping up and down while I approach their tank has been very successful for me XP jk jk..like Akili said positive reinforcement, give them treats and hang out!