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View Full Version : Discount date for NADA hotel rooms is now June 30th!

Keith Perkins
05-19-2016, 12:10 PM
Four weeks from today at 5PM CDT our heavily discounted NADA show hotel room rates will be gone. If you are even considering coming to the show but aren't sure you can make it go ahead and make those reservations now. You can always cancel your reservations as little as 24 hours before your scheduled stay. You simply don't want to miss out on the great time and these great rates. Make those reservations today and come be a part of the fun.

You MUST book as part of the NADA group to be sure you get our reduced room rate of $115 for 2 persons per room. The easiest way to do that is using this link to the NADA show page http://discusnada.org/2016NADAdiscusshow/ or by going directly to the hotel reservation page for the NADA show. https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1510128820&key=27D074F2 If you feel you have to call to make your reservation the number is 1-888-627-9031 and if you get anything other than the $115 rate you have not been put in the NADA group.

Keith Perkins
05-27-2016, 11:43 AM
There's now less than 3 weeks to get your discounted NADA show hotel room rate.

05-27-2016, 04:04 PM
What about discount to buy Show fish? I'll take a 90% discount. lol... Looking forward to the event...

05-27-2016, 05:15 PM
Is the auction on Sunday just for discus. Also is it allowed to sell fish in the rental tank room other than discus.

Keith Perkins
05-28-2016, 08:16 AM
Is the auction on Sunday just for discus. Also is it allowed to sell fish in the rental tank room other than discus.

No, all the show tanks with their glass lids, heaters, and sponge filters and other miscellaneous equipment will also be available.

Good question on the other fish types, and on that one I don't have an answer. I'll check with the higher ups and post back an answer.

Keith Perkins
05-28-2016, 09:49 AM
...is it allowed to sell fish in the rental tank room other than discus.

Discus only in the showroom, though people have sold other types of fish out of their rooms in the past.

05-30-2016, 12:10 PM
What about discount to buy Show fish? I'll take a 90% discount. lol... Looking forward to the event...

Bring you wallet. There's gonna be a lot of motivated buyers there.

Willie :)

05-30-2016, 06:32 PM
So, I'm still considering bringing a show fish and some fry. Will there be O2 available for return bagging? Anything I bring I have to ship since I'm flying. I'd hope to sell the fry, but I'd want to bring my show fish home.

05-30-2016, 06:39 PM
When folks bring fish to sell, do they bring pics of parents, background info, displays, etc., or just let the fish speak for themselves? I assume show fish speak for themselves, but is there background info requested?

Keith Perkins
05-30-2016, 07:23 PM
So, I'm still considering bringing a show fish and some fry. Will there be O2 available for return bagging? Anything I bring I have to ship since I'm flying. I'd hope to sell the fry, but I'd want to bring my show fish home.

Josie of Chicago Discus is bringing an O2 tank to the show along with several other things helpful to putting on the show.

When folks bring fish to sell, do they bring pics of parents, background info, displays, etc., or just let the fish speak for themselves? I assume show fish speak for themselves, but is there background info requested?

Pictures of parents aren't necessary, but if you think they would help your cause there's no reason you can't bring them along.

Keith Perkins
06-02-2016, 09:34 AM
Only 2 more weeks until our heavily discounted NADA show hotel room rates disappear. :vanish:

Click on the NADA show graphic below to go directly to the show site, you'll find hotel information and a reservation link there.

Keith Perkins
06-09-2016, 09:05 AM
This is the last week before our heavily discounted NADA show hotel room rates disappear. :vanish: Don't miss out.

Click on the NADA show graphic below to go directly to the show site, you'll find hotel information and a reservation link there.[/QUOTE]

06-09-2016, 09:54 AM
People really need to take advantage of this, you will save as much as $200 a night by booking now!


Keith Perkins
06-14-2016, 06:34 AM
In just 2 days at 5PM CDT our heavily discounted NADA show hotel room rates will be gone. If you are even considering coming to the show but aren't sure you can make it go ahead and make those reservations now. You can always cancel your reservations as little as 24 hours before your scheduled stay. Even if you're local you may want to consider spending a night or two at the hotel. The discus conversation is bound to go late into the night. You simply don't want to miss out on the great time and these great rates. Make those reservations today and come be a part of the fun.

You MUST book as part of the NADA group to be sure you get our reduced room rate of $115 for 2 persons per room. The easiest way to do that is using this link to the NADA show page http://discusnada.org/2016NADAdiscusshow/ or by going directly to the hotel reservation page for the NADA show. https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1510128820&key=27D074F2 If you feel you have to call to make your reservation the number is 1-888-627-9031 and if you get anything other than the $115 rate you have not been put in the NADA group.

06-15-2016, 02:38 PM
One day left people! Don't get shut out, this is a savings of as much as $100.00 a night or more. Booking now will reserve your room and you wont get charged until the show!


Keith Perkins
06-15-2016, 03:30 PM
And don't forget this point.

You can always cancel your reservations as little as 24 hours before your scheduled stay.

No risk and you can potentially save $100 a night by booking now.

06-15-2016, 04:56 PM
Booked and ready to go!!

Keith Perkins
06-15-2016, 07:38 PM
Booked and ready to go!!

You forgot :bounce2:

06-15-2016, 07:50 PM
Yeah Jack, glad to see you are ready to go...I want a big hug when I see you my friend....looking forward to a great weekend with the Discus crew, lol

Booked and ready to go!!

Keith Perkins
06-16-2016, 07:11 PM
All you procrastinators who missed the deadline for booking a hotel room for the NADA show at our heavily discounted rate have just caught a break. With a little sweet talking the hotel has agreed to extend our discount until 5:00 PM CDT on Friday June 24th. If you are even considering coming to the show but aren't sure you can make it go ahead and make those reservations now. You can always cancel your reservations as little as 24 hours before your scheduled stay. Even if you're local you may want to consider spending a night or two at the hotel. The discus conversation is bound to go late into the night. You simply don't want to miss out on the great time and these great rates. Make those reservations today and come be a part of the fun.

You MUST book as part of the NADA group to be sure you get our reduced room rate of $115 for 2 persons per room. The easiest way to do that is using this link to the NADA show page http://discusnada.org/2016NADAdiscusshow/ or by going directly to the hotel reservation page for the NADA show. https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1510128820&key=27D074F2 If you feel you have to call to make your reservation the number is 1-888-627-9031 and if you get anything other than the $115 rate you have not been put in the NADA group.

06-17-2016, 08:08 AM
Great deal Keith. Don't miss out folks. This is going to be out biggest show ever by a lot....


06-17-2016, 08:35 PM
Booked and ready to go!!

It will be great to see you, Jack!

Larry Bugg
06-17-2016, 11:11 PM
The link to the hotel reservations is currently not working. To make your reservations you will need to call the Westin Lombard directly at 630-719-8000. When you call tell them you are making reservations for the NADA Show so they will give you the discounted rate. Sorry for the inconvenience, we will let you know as soon as the link is fixed.

Keith Perkins
06-17-2016, 11:17 PM
Technology is why I keep fish.

Keith Perkins
06-22-2016, 09:39 AM
Some snafu of unknown origin occurred at the hotel and our reservations link was down last weekend. Due to this and some sweet talking our discount deadline has been pushed out once more to the end of the month, June 30th. Here's the link to make hotel reservations. https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1606206509&key=36E7F357

Folks, we're looking at the biggest NADA show ever. Room reservations are up 57% over any previous show. We've got more speakers than any previous show. We've got great raffle items and prizes. We've got a breakfast with a roundtable Q&A with all the speakers. We've got more judged fish classes than ever before. We've got Al! If you haven't signed up yet, come on, be a part of NADA show history.


06-29-2016, 10:31 PM
If your thinking about it.

Keith Perkins
06-30-2016, 08:40 PM
Our discounted rate was scheduled to end at 5 but may still be good until midnight. I have held a couple rooms for Friday and Saturday night if you change your mind to come at the last minute. Contact me by PM and I can help arrange it for you. I'll need to cancel these held rooms shortly after noon on Thursday and Friday. Hope to see you at the show.

Keith Perkins
07-03-2016, 11:17 PM
Our discounted rate was scheduled to end at 5 but may still be good until midnight. I have held a couple rooms for Friday and Saturday night if you change your mind to come at the last minute. Contact me by PM and I can help arrange it for you. I'll need to cancel these held rooms shortly after noon on Thursday and Friday. Hope to see you at the show.

The room nights I held are gone. Not sure if there's any way I can get more at this point, but if you still want to come I'll try. PM me.