View Full Version : 240 g tank

05-26-2016, 06:30 PM
I have opportunity to purchase a 240 g tank with overflow....i currently have a 125 no overflow. if I got the 240 i have a 25g sump and a spare 90 g that I could incorporate into the sump system. my question is if you have that much water do you still need to do 50+ % water changes daily? I have an ro and aged well water that i use for changes. i'm thinking that would be a hell of a lot of aged water and ro to have to have on hand? am I missing something or do people have such large tanks and just use straight tap?

05-26-2016, 07:12 PM
Are you planning to breed ? What would you be stocking the tank with...?

05-26-2016, 07:53 PM
No need for RO water if you do not plan on breeding. However, you would still need to age your water if your pH isn't stable.

05-26-2016, 08:21 PM
thanks guys, I currently have discus in a bb in the 125 and a 36g with a pair in it which is why I got the ro. :) my well water is ph8.8 and tds in the aged barrel is 735. I mix ro and well water together to bring things down to ph 7.8 and tds 500 or so. I just got the ro and have spent the last week slowly bringing both down in the 125 and keeping it low in the breeder until we get eggs then straight ro until they wriggle. is that right? I am thinking I would have to pass on the 240g because I can't imagine having so much aged water around. If I did it straight from tap the ph is lower but then rises as it ages.

05-27-2016, 04:22 AM
You can try to do staight Tap WCs on your current tank and stock just to see how they handle it .
Discus behaviour will show you if and how stressed they are after a WC.
Try it first , and see if you can get away with 50% straight tap WCs without hurting them.
If they can handle the swing and microbbubles I think that in 400 gallons you can get away with only 50% on each WC with that much water.

05-27-2016, 08:01 AM
I do 35%-50% 3 times a week and use straight tap and use seachem safe on my 240. I do suggest a larger sump like the 90g not the 25g. I have had wigglers and free swimming fry but they always get snacked on my the others.

05-27-2016, 10:21 AM
I have to big an ph swing to not do aged....:( our well water is high in co2 so the ph climbs as it ages. I am just now getting the ratio for aged and ro mix so I think I will have to stick with the 125g. thanks for answering. :)