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View Full Version : Discus moved to the new tank

06-20-2016, 03:35 PM
I was so nervous about this moves I did a week ago ,everything went fine and my discus are doing fine . I took out the pool filter sand and added Eco complete and lots plants .
The Eco complete was a bit of problem as it sent the ph up so I have been having to do lots water changes it now seem to be staple but I am keeping a eye on it.
I plans to top with a small light color gravel soon because my peigon blood,s have got. Peppering especialy the yellow one .
. Really not sure if I like the Eco complete because it is hard to keep the plants rooted in place but most are doing ok now after many had To be replanted . In my other tank with black florite sand and moon sand on top I did not have this problem no ph spike or cloudiness. It really like florite
Unfortunately my rams are not faired so will during the move so they are now in a 10 gallon by them selves until I can decide if it is a isue they have very rounded bellys and there colour is off ,but they are still swimming fine I have added salt to tank and doing lots of water change so far they are ok .once I am sure they are not sick or recovered I will add them back in to main tank .

06-20-2016, 03:53 PM
I'm not a big fan of that type of gravel for a discus tank, or a planted tank either. The texture is too large, which is why they don't hold plants well, as you mentioned, and a more coarse type gravel like that let's more stuff get down between it, and makes it harder to keep clean throughout the gravel base, and with a build up, there may be some bad things gonna happen maybe. I am more comfortable with a fine grain, almost sand texture gravel. I hope your rams are ok. I have five Bolivians and they are great fish. Little scrappers and mine have beautiful fins. Good luck, BK

06-20-2016, 04:12 PM
Not sure I would ever buy Eco complete again but I think if I can find a very find type gravel it would help.

My tank is a low tech so hopefully. once it gets established will be ok,I do vacum every time I do water change . I tried selica sand alone and the. Algee was big big problem plus none of my plants grew at least now I see some growth .

06-20-2016, 05:32 PM
Yes I agree I need a finer gravel to put on top I have been looking. but it is not so easey around here to get what you need.
I do have pool filter. Sand but I don't want use that because it may cause algee which is why I took it out in first place was thinking of a finer type river gravel . My rams are awesome so far they. Are doing ok I really not sure if they are sick or not or just over fed so I will keep them in there until I am sure. much easier to treat anyway in smaller tank . I have few medications I keep on hand because it not easey to get medications quick around were I live but I don't want to use unless it is really needed sometimes it is hard to till what the problem is