View Full Version : Discus and Water Flow

06-23-2016, 12:30 AM
I know Discus aren't supposed to like a lot of water flow. I think long term, this is almost fact. But in the short term?

Since I've started doing 100% water changes on my wilds in QT (every other day), I've seen them totally act the fool.

Once the water is deep enough to get upright again, they all swim to the corner I'm pumping the water in, and seemingly "play" in the flow. Almost like a dog trying to bite the water spraying out of a hose.

They seem to be very interested in the bubbles too. It's very funny to watch. I'm going to see if I can get a good video of it. They are definitely not avoiding the current.

06-23-2016, 01:40 AM
Mine also love currents, and they are not wilds. I don't usually restrict the flow of my filter, and usually leave it at max without any problems. But I use upwards flow instead of the normal waterfall or side flow, so the water normally will shoot up first from the pipe-ball then spread out sideways on the surface.


06-23-2016, 04:40 AM
Mine plays in the current and bubbles too, I think as long as they aren't being washed around or have to battle it constantly they are fine. I don't restrict the filter either.

06-23-2016, 11:21 AM
I believe this is very common and my wilds do the same exact thing as well as my domestics. They really seem to enjoy the waterfall as it spills into the tank! It sure is fun to watch!

I asked a few people once I saw this behavior and I got many of the same responses... I dont think it is something that you want non-stop, I guess if you had a big enough tank where one side could have a waterfall in a way they might like it but would need area or space to retreat back to when they wanted away from it. I think when people say they dont like it they mean constantly... like dont blast them with flow so they cant swim...

06-23-2016, 03:25 PM
Mine do the same. However, yesterday I put a powerhead in one side because I needed added circulation temporarily, and I could tell they didn't really like it too much. Worst of all, they could have easily avoided it by moving towards the side of the tank that the pump was (it was on one side) to avoid the harsher current, and they didn't. Your interpretation of that may be different than mine, but seeing them they didn't look happy to be in that type of flow although they remained in it. Go figure.

06-23-2016, 03:43 PM
I guess it always goes back to that size of the brain bit again! Lol...

I agree with Rick though, and I sort of eluded to that in my post... They seem to like the waterfall fill ups but a straight line stream of current doesn't make them happy...

Wonder if anyone has a tank with a little waterfall that comes into the tank and how they react to that...?

06-24-2016, 12:50 AM
Yes you are correct, my inflow does fall before hitting the surface and they like to swim up to it. There is no straight line currents in my tank though but the water is moving slowly. I think their shape makes it difficult for them to swim against a head on current.