View Full Version : Shipping during summer months

06-27-2016, 11:40 AM
Hey guys I'm looking to purchase 1 Blue variant color discus as my wife wanted to get me one for our anniversary. Apparently not many places ship during summer months. I've sent an email to Kenny's asking if they ship during these hot summer days. We live in Arkansas and have had high 90s for the past week.

I understand people not wanting to ship, but surely it can be done safely? Thanks

06-27-2016, 12:22 PM
As far as I know we all ship during the summer. You just have to be home to accept the box because leaving them outside on the porch will cook them.

06-27-2016, 07:54 PM
or get it dropped off at your local carrier FedEx/UPS whatever the seller ships with and pick it up at their closest distribution center

06-27-2016, 08:04 PM
I find shipping during he summer months is no more stressful than it is during the winter months. If the buyer is home to receive or picks up at FedEx everything is fine. Otherwise no live delivery guarantee.

06-28-2016, 05:04 PM
I have taken shipments of fish through all seasons here in NY and I have never had an issue thank the man all the way up!

The sponsors here are fantastic at knowing where they are shipping and that the weather conditions are there. They will adjust the shipping box to accommodate the conditions... i.e. heat packs in winter, cooling devices for summer...

I've even had shipments cancelled or pushed because of in-climate weather...

I once took a winter shipment from chicago discus that took 2 weeks to set up by no fault of anyone... They had a storm and brutal weather that flowed my way and Josie flat out said it is not worth the risk and I could not agree more...

Trust me they know what they are doing and have been around the block, have no fear, weather will not effect things when handled properly by a sponsor.