View Full Version : How to take photos of your fish catch

07-09-2016, 04:23 AM
How to take photos of your fish catch? Would do you please kindly tell me the tips? I am so query, because my fishing photos are always so bad!


07-12-2016, 11:42 AM
This is my very basic experience doing this and I am by no means an expert, others will probably have different and better tips for you. The old standard way was to use multiple light sources with an SLR camera the way it would be done in a photo studio. These days smart phones and digital cameras have such decent resolution that you can take fairly wide angle, large shots and then crop down to the parts you want and still have a fairly decent high resolution shot.

First of all the glass has to be absolutely clean inside and outside of the tank. No water stains, algae, etc. Water stains which don't look like much to your eye become very obvious white stains in the picture. These days I use my smart phone camera, because I've become very lazy about this, at high resolution and w/o flash because the flash on the smart phone is much closer to the lens on the phone then in a digital camera and the results aren't good. Big flash bursts. At least with my Galaxy 6. If you turn up the light gain on the phone's camera you can get some good results w/o flash.

Similar rules for a digital cameras but my best results were with the flash so I had to find the best angle in relation to the glass so that I wasn't stuck with large flash bursts. Also the flash can tend to reflect onto and flatten out the fish's eyes, so angling the flash just right is important. Once you have your picture you can also use a basic photo editing software, or the photo editing settings on your smart phone, to crop out the parts that may have the flash burst, or that need color correction.

Much of this is in working with the basic picture after the shot to crop and and do some basic color adjustment. The newer LED's for aquariums adjusted properly may not need much tone adjustment but basic fluorescent bulbs, non-daylight, full spectrum, etc. tends to be yellow green and often needs to be adjusted. Again, the smart phone editing pic. settings are pretty good for this and can be very helpful.

Here's one that came out fairly well, taken on the fly from a local importers tank that had overhead LED's using my smart phone. This one had no photo editing other than some basic cropping. 99272

07-12-2016, 01:04 PM
Sun at the photographer's back,and hold the fish out away from your body toward's the camera so it look's bigger:p

07-12-2016, 02:20 PM
How to take photos of your fish catch? Would do you please kindly tell me the tips? I am so query, because my fishing photos are always so bad!


Sun at the photographer's back,and hold the fish out away from your body toward's the camera so it look's bigger:p

I also assumed you were talking about fishing and the fish you were pulling out of the water? How to take pics of that and not the discus? Is this correct OP?

07-12-2016, 02:36 PM
Wow! Did I get this completely wrong!? You'll need to go to a fishing site for this, not a Discus fish tank site. Unless you're catching Wild Discus from your boat.

07-12-2016, 02:52 PM
Yeah, Stu, I think you got punked on this one. But I have learned something from your post... my fish pics suck and I have been meaning to improve them. I will read thru the photography section too.

07-12-2016, 02:53 PM
Yeah, Stu, I think you got punked on this one. But I have learned something from your post... my fish pics suck and I have been meaning to improve them. I will read thru the photography section too.

Just to add, Stu gave some really good advice about fish photography in general. That is in itself real useful. I just think OP was possibly asking for something else.

07-12-2016, 03:10 PM
[QUOTE=happyfishing;1221410]How to take photos of your fish catch? Would do you please kindly tell me the tips? I am so query, because my fishing photos are always so bad!

Did I get punked or did I just not read it correctly? I think the latter. Now that I look at it, it seems to be pretty clearly about taking photos of a "fish catch". I probably just assumed it was about fish tank photography because there are people posting here for whom English isn't a first language and I just went with it. This is after all a "Discus" website. :sleeping3:

07-12-2016, 03:44 PM
Following the link at the bottom of the post, www.szgob.com, this appears to be someone who speaks Chinese as a first language and the link is to a Chinese language website that is all about fishing, tackle, etc.

OP (Wendy) posted correctly, the guy that speaks and reads English as a first language; ME, didn't read it correctly. LOL!