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07-11-2016, 09:02 AM
Hiya, wonder if someone can help me out with a few questions -

Ive heard that you can mix tap water with Ro ? Is this correct ? what ratio's would you suggest and why not just use 100% RE-Mineralised RO ?

If i was to buy bigger Discus to start with i.e. 4-6", would this cut down the water changes as they would have grown out ?

I want to use a UV Filter, is this recommended ?

and finally -

Can anyone point me to some co2 reading for planted tanks with discus please ?

Many Thanks

07-11-2016, 10:23 PM
RO is not needed unless you plan on breeding discus. Tap water is fine as long as you have stability in pH and 0 ammonia/nitrite and low nitrates.

You'll still have to do water changes on a fairly constant basis. Adult fish are just slightly more forgiving but that all depends on how you set up your tank I.E bare bottom or substrate.

My opinion is a UV sterilizer is not needed but I have little interaction with those.

I'd not recommend C02. Especially if you plan on juvies... Adults will be able to tolerate a planted tank better but if you do constant water changes the C02 will be depleted in the water column along with any macros and micros.

07-12-2016, 02:05 PM
RO is not needed unless you plan on breeding discus. Tap water is fine as long as you have stability in pH and 0 ammonia/nitrite and low nitrates.

You'll still have to do water changes on a fairly constant basis. Adult fish are just slightly more forgiving but that all depends on how you set up your tank I.E bare bottom or substrate.

My opinion is a UV sterilizer is not needed but I have little interaction with those.

I'd not recommend C02. Especially if you plan on juvies... Adults will be able to tolerate a planted tank better but if you do constant water changes the C02 will be depleted in the water column along with any macros and micros.

I agree with everything Paul has said.

Tap is fine, if the pH swings, age the water for 24hrs and you are good to go. Adults do not need to be fed as often which means you do not have to do as many water changes.

07-12-2016, 05:07 PM
Hiya, wonder if someone can help me out with a few questions -

Ive heard that you can mix tap water with Ro ? Is this correct ? what ratio's would you suggest and why not just use 100% RE-Mineralised RO ?

If i was to buy bigger Discus to start with i.e. 4-6", would this cut down the water changes as they would have grown out ?

I want to use a UV Filter, is this recommended ?

and finally -

Can anyone point me to some co2 reading for planted tanks with discus please ?

Many Thanks

1. You can use straight tap or Mixed with Ro for reminerealisation. 100% RO is not reccomendable neither for fish or plants cause it lacks minerals and it also lacks buffer -KH , thus making your PH unstable and suspectible to pH crushes.

2. have 55 g planted tank with 7 grown discus, and I still do 3-4 > 50%WC weekly and at least one weekly glass wipe , sand cleaning , and prefilter changing.
If I cut down a bit I see pimples or slight fin rot on discus braging me about their water .

3. I think a sufficient UV or other chemical filtration can surely help a bit in maintaining a better water quality.

4.My co2 unit is shut off because first it makes it harder for discus to utilize O2 , and second because of daily night-day pH swings , and big sudden PH swings during the large WCs, that will just happens too often.

You can have a fully planted tank without compromising discus with Co2, ferts or rich substrate.All you need is a good sufficient light and potted plants.

Here is my example , I hope I will encourage you to go this "discus friendly" way :-).


07-13-2016, 01:24 AM
Thanks to everyone for the advice, think I'll leave the c02 but keep the uv. Also think I will buy the discus in the 4-6" bracket.
Cheers people.