View Full Version : Beefheart mix dark green

07-23-2016, 07:17 PM
So I'm new to discus and I'm preparing to get my first group of them. I decided to make a beefheart mix for them but feel like I messed up. The color of it is very dark green. Is this normal? This is the recipe I followed.
2lb beefheart
1lb shrimp
1lb tilapia
1/2 lb peas
1/2 lb spinach
2 tbs spirulina
2 tbs astaxanthin
2 egg yolks

Maybe its the spirulina that made the color but I was expecting a red color. Did I mess up? Will they eat it if it has too much vegetable matter?


07-23-2016, 07:24 PM
You should be okay,I have made beef heart mix that was as green as a pea many times and the discus have eaten it.next time use 1 tbsp of spirulina

Altum Nut
07-24-2016, 10:25 PM
Give it a go and if Discus take to it that's great but I think what made it green was the 1/2 lb. peas and 1/2 lb. spinach, 2 tbs spirulina.
Won't harm your fish.
You can refer to the many recipes in the Foods and Nutrition sticky the next time around.


08-14-2016, 09:13 AM
Okay, so discus arrived and had their first go with this mix I made. They all swam over and seemed to attack it but kept spitting a lot out. They soon swam away from it after a minute, then would come by the chunk, rip a piece and spit it out. They left a bunch of food in the bottom with a decent chunk left after 15 minutes. I then removed it. Would you consider this them liking the food or should I throw it away and make a new mix?

08-14-2016, 10:43 AM
the fact that they picked at it, tells me they will eventually take it....hold back feeding for 10-12 hours and feed again...siphon out uneaten food (if any) after 30 mins...