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07-27-2016, 09:47 AM
Beef heart or Al's fdbw. Can you feed exclusively on fdbw?

07-27-2016, 10:06 AM
need to feed a variety both are good but feeding only one thing would be like you living on Cap N Crunch.

jim LI
07-27-2016, 11:03 AM
i feed both bh and al's fdbws.

07-27-2016, 02:02 PM
I only feed Al's FDBW and sometimes blood worms as a treat... Mostly it is my fault as like children, if you let them get away with it they will...

I know that there are many people that feed mostly or solely fdbw with no issues...

Pitdogg2... I am going to have to seriously disagree with the capt crunch comment... If a person is eating fresh salmon or turkey all the time, its not the same as a sugar cereal... Sure if you are feeeding the fish something bad or with zero nutritional value then yes your statement holds true, if the OP said can I feed my fish only blood worms I'd agree... But he is asking about 2 very strong food choices... He would not have an issue feeding one or the other or both

07-27-2016, 04:37 PM
feeding only one type of food can cause deficiencies my comment said both are good.

The cap n crunch comment was more meant as it does contain many vitamins and minerals as you pointed out is still not good for you in the long run. The same can be said for "farm raised" fresh Salmon they are fed only one thing all their lives and it has been noted that they can contain many gremlins from their feed that the wild counterparts do not exhibit because they wonder the ocean and eat a variety from all over their range.

I'm a firm believer in feed as many different foods as your fish will eat. Mine get FD Black worms as well as live black worms, some beef heart once in a while, beef heart pellets, omega one sinking pellets. Hikari Discus, Cobalt Hans flakes, NLS pellets, finely chopped shrimp and many other foods they do not get the same food twice on one week usually. Do they care not one bit but at least I know that they are getting a more rounded diet. Are there foods they do not like yep a bunch some that are loved here but I would have never found that out if I didn't try a variety of foods to begin with.

and that Turkey may just be full of antibiotic residue that may not benefit you in the long run either.

Smile man its all good:)

Larry Bugg
07-27-2016, 04:52 PM
I'll start off saying that I LOVE Al's (Mal's) freeze dried black worms. Heck just got a new shipment in this morning for the fish I got at the NADA Show. They have been a staple in my fish room since 2010 when they were first introduced in the US by Mal. That said, I wouldn't feed them only. I think some other foods should be fed along with them. When it comes to beef heart it really depends on what a person means when they say they feed beef heart. A few feed beef heart with no additives but most feed a beef heart recipe and just call it beef heart. Really should call it a beef heart mix so it isn't misleading. A good beef heart mix could certainly be fed as the sole food depending on what is in it.

07-27-2016, 07:06 PM
Maybe I misread the Inital comments but to me it read as if feeding one thing such as only bh or only black worms is a bad thing.

I totally agree that a variety should be fed. You are very lucky your guys will seek to eat anything. As i said earlier I admit I have not tried my best to vary the diet and that's on me. Maybe I will try to switch it up again.

That being said I have some nice big round healthy discus that only eat the fdbw and seem to be doing quite well on it.

I guess bottom line for me is that feeding a mix is def the way tj go but if you are only feeding one you could do a lot worse than bh mix or fdbw

07-27-2016, 07:13 PM
Maybe I misread the Inital comments but to me it read as if feeding one thing such as only bh or only black worms is a bad thing.

I totally agree that a variety should be fed. You are very lucky your guys will seek to eat anything. As i said earlier I admit I have not tried my best to vary the diet and that's on me. Maybe I will try to switch it up again.

That being said I have some nice big round healthy discus that only eat the fdbw and seem to be doing quite well on it.

I guess bottom line for me is that feeding a mix is def the way tj go but if you are only feeding one you could do a lot worse than bh mix or fdbw

I believe I have seen many members say that fdbw are ok as a staple although some variety is beneficial. I feed a mix of bh and fdbw. Plan are trying to start them on pellets as well

07-27-2016, 07:58 PM
I don't care what other people say. I believe a variety of foods is best for the fish. I'm a strong believer in live foods so I feed live black worms from Dan and homegrown mosquito larvae when the skeeters are breeding. I also feed pellets and flake from a guy in IL who makes good food in small batches. Oh yeah, I also feed FCBWs from Dan as a staple and frozen blood worms which I am out of ATM.

I sure wouldn't want to live on only one food. I would survive but I wouldn't be happy. Would you?

07-27-2016, 10:05 PM
I feed fdbw and as much variety as I can get for them, I agree with Liz on variety is good. yes they can survive on fdbw or bh but I think they will do better on variety. imho and limited experience. :)

07-27-2016, 10:58 PM
I only feed Al's FDBW and sometimes blood worms as a treat... Mostly it is my fault as like children, if you let them get away with it they will...

I know that there are many people that feed mostly or solely fdbw with no issues...

Pitdogg2... I am going to have to seriously disagree with the capt crunch comment... If a person is eating fresh salmon or turkey all the time, its not the same as a sugar cereal... Sure if you are feeeding the fish something bad or with zero nutritional value then yes your statement holds true, if the OP said can I feed my fish only blood worms I'd agree... But he is asking about 2 very strong food choices... He would not have an issue feeding one or the other or both

I'm strongly disagree as well. Discus should eat variety of food.

07-28-2016, 11:14 AM
Ok... I am not trying to argue here or provide wrong info to anyone reading this who may get confused...

In no way am I saying that discus should not be fed a variety of food. I am in total agreement to that point. By all means feed your fish as much and as different stuff as they will eat...

I was simply disagreeing with the fact that the poster had made the reference that feeding fdbw or beefheart is like a human eating sugar cereal and to me I feel that a better example would be say chicken breast, because I feel both fdbw and beefheart are great staple food...

I would think if you took 2 people and fed one only captn crunch and one only chicken breast, the one eating the chicken would fair much better. Is it godd for any animal to eat only one food, I guess not... My point was simply that the example was poor in my opinion, again maybe I am wrong just how I feel about it now based on what I know...

Again, by all means feed your fish whatever you'd like and as a big a variety variety is best for the fish...