View Full Version : Will it never end.... More ways to keep tabs on you.

08-02-2016, 02:39 PM

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued Walt Disney Co. a patent for a new type of technology: A system that can track theme-park guests through their feet.

The company says that there are no immediate plans to use such a system. This project is part of Disney's ongoing innovative research process, the company said, and many projects it explores may never actually end up in the parks.
Disney foot camera
Disney has taken out a patent for a foot camera to help track theme park guests. (Disney Enterprises Inc.)

According to information supplied to the patent agency, sensors and cameras would help identify particular visitors, and the data "can be used to output a customized guest experience" including photographs. Theme parks could also use such a system to mine data about common paths from ride to ride.

The company can already track guests at Walt Disney World who use MagicBands, RFID bracelets that function as theme-park tickets, FastPasses, hotel keys and credit cards.

Current methods of tracking guests and matching them up "are limited to rather invasive methods, such as retinal and fingerprint identification methods," the patent information said. "These methods are obtrusive and some guests may not feel comfortable providing this type of biometric information to a third party."

Its really a sad commentary on Privacy Loss when things like this are discussed and it just brushed off. At what point is it enough? :( Bad enough theres cameras everywhere already, and a bazillion ways to track and spy on you....why not add one more.


08-02-2016, 02:49 PM
I'm torn because I love technology and the way it's moving and I like the thought process behind it, but I'm not sure anyone actively wants to be tracked. Although when chips can be implanted into skin or into a contact lens, I'd probably be one of the first in line. And I love the thought of biometric scanner to enter your house or certain rooms, whatever. I just think its so cool. The Disney bands are pretty impressive technology wise. You don't carry around hotel room keys, you don't have to carry around a bunch of credit cards, tickets, etc. It's handy, it's fast. What's crazy is since they know where you are in the park, if you buy a coke early in the day while you wait in line later the ads on the TVs as you pass will be coke ads. So it's a toss up, catch 22 if you will.

I'm not sure I fully understand "foot cameras".

08-02-2016, 03:15 PM
I love the Technology too Matt but for me its a question of the right to opt out or more precisely it should be an automatic opt out unless I and people in general chose to opt in. I feel that way across the board with technology. Companies and Government shouldn't be allowed to collect personal data,, cell phone data, browsing data,financial data, biometric data, food choice data, etc unless we tell them to. The definition of privacy has lost all meaning. The more it goes on the less it seems out of place and wrong. The more acceptable it becomes and thats a truly slippery slope. Privacy should be one of those core values we don't compromise on. I'm not saying the technologies are bad, but the way they are used without any say by the people...that is not good and makes me cringe.


08-02-2016, 03:58 PM
I love the Technology too Matt but for me its a question of the right to opt out or more precisely it should be an automatic opt out unless I and people in general chose to opt in. I feel that way across the board with technology. Companies and Government shouldn't be allowed to collect personal data,, cell phone data, browsing data,financial data, biometric data, food choice data, etc unless we tell them to. The definition of privacy has lost all meaning. The more it goes on the less it seems out of place and wrong. The more acceptable it becomes and thats a truly slippery slope. Privacy should be one of those core values we don't compromise on. I'm not saying the technologies are bad, but the way they are used without any say by the people...that is not good and makes me cringe.


so, how do you fell about the "Patriot Act" ?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


08-02-2016, 04:15 PM
Not too very long ago we ridiculed certain communist countries for the very thing we as a country are now doing. Slippery slope I could go on but will refrain BIG BUSINESS and BIG GOVERNMENT are in cahoots to rid us of some constitutional rights for their benefit....

08-02-2016, 04:25 PM
so, how do you fell about the "Patriot Act" ?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


You have to ask? Lol. I am no fan at all of that one.


08-02-2016, 04:30 PM
Oh yeah, since I am on a rant roll here, I may as well plug one of my favorite organizations that act as a watchdog on Privacy among other things...


see.. https://www.eff.org/issues/privacy

08-02-2016, 06:26 PM
I love the Technology too Matt but for me its a question of the right to opt out or more precisely it should be an automatic opt out unless I and people in general chose to opt in. I feel that way across the board with technology. Companies and Government shouldn't be allowed to collect personal data,, cell phone data, browsing data,financial data, biometric data, food choice data, etc unless we tell them to. The definition of privacy has lost all meaning. The more it goes on the less it seems out of place and wrong. The more acceptable it becomes and thats a truly slippery slope. Privacy should be one of those core values we don't compromise on. I'm not saying the technologies are bad, but the way they are used without any say by the people...that is not good and makes me cringe.


That's exactly what Edward Snowden believes.