View Full Version : Well I did it part 2

08-11-2016, 07:48 PM
The learning curve has been a steep one! I have been keeping fish for forever, high tech planted, reefs, the whole 9 yards, but this is my first crack at discus. And can I say...maybe my most favorite in 45 years of keeping fish....
About a month ago I fell into some juvies from a local breeder that was shutting done and I got some fish for a steal.
I had a planted angel tank setup that was doing well, so I quickly sold off the angel and threw in the discus.
Then to make matters worse, I had to travel the whole month of July for work. So i built a an ATO put on an auto feeder and asked the wife to just keep an eye on them, you won't have to do anything.(she is not a fish person!)

They survived that ordeal just fine, in fact they grew...but I did my research on here(lots of reading in the hotel at night)and I knew the planted angel tank was not ideal for the discus. So, I have a week and half before I have to start back to work, so I figured now was the time so I could closely watch it for the next week. AND RYAN92 inspired me to take the plunge...
Well I did it part 2.

Here is the tank at 10am this morning.

08-11-2016, 07:51 PM
I went to home creepo and bought a $5 12 gallon tub that would act as the temporary home for 8 discus and a bunch of corys.
I calibrated the new eheim heater in a bucket of water so it would match the tank.
Can I just say...what a pain, the new heaters sure can't hold a candle to the old EboJager!
Anyway, siphoned tank water into the tub and removed all the decorations so I could catch the fish.

08-11-2016, 07:53 PM
And you thought your planted tank was clean enough for discus...right.....

08-11-2016, 07:53 PM
Nice and clean!!! Reset back to zero!!

08-11-2016, 07:55 PM
Aquascaping is a java fern island surround by Anbius hastifolia. Nothing too creative but being a planted tank guy i figured this was a good compromise for discus.

08-11-2016, 07:56 PM
Filled up and waiting for the water to degas and the bubbles to go away.

08-11-2016, 07:59 PM
Dumped the fish back in, let them settle in a little and its feeding time.

After eating they went and hid but its been a long stressful day for the kids so I'll let them chill!
Well, that was my day!

I'm happy with the results, the water is gin clear, the tank is brighter and once the kids adjust they should be happy.

Poppa Ryno
08-11-2016, 08:24 PM
Well done. I like that wood.

08-11-2016, 08:57 PM
Well done. I like that wood.

thanks, its actually three pieces that I put together.

08-11-2016, 10:40 PM
The learning curve has been a steep one! I have been keeping fish for forever, high tech planted, reefs, the whole 9 yards, but this is my first crack at discus. And can I say...maybe my most favorite in 45 years of keeping fish....
About a month ago I fell into some juvies from a local breeder that was shutting done and I got some fish for a steal.
I had a planted angel tank setup that was doing well, so I quickly sold off the angel and threw in the discus.
Then to make matters worse, I had to travel the whole month of July for work. So i built a an ATO put on an auto feeder and asked the wife to just keep an eye on them, you won't have to do anything.(she is not a fish person!)

They survived that ordeal just fine, in fact they grew...but I did my research on here(lots of reading in the hotel at night)and I knew the planted angel tank was not ideal for the discus. So, I have a week and half before I have to start back to work, so I figured now was the time so I could closely watch it for the next week. AND RYAN92 inspired me to take the plunge...
Well I did it part 2.

Here is the tank at 10am this morning.

Glad you went for it. Sure you are too!! You will notice some serious difference in your fish appearance. I still am noticing better and better color.

My cobalt was always so dark. Now he is like a shimmering baby blue. With his lighter color is eye bar is now a deep blue instead of black

Looks nice I like your setup. Simple and clean

I had some really nice plants but never had luck with the Java fern. I like the look but mine never looked right.

Word of advice do some daily water changes and test water daily. My tank went through a mini cycle after losing so much BB with the gravel.

I've been doing large daily since the sub change. Today I finally am back to 0 ammonia

08-11-2016, 10:55 PM
I do 50% WC daily no matter what. But I'm hoping my sump's BB lived through the cleaning. The filter was off for about 4 hours. I don't know when bacteria start dying without water flow?
Thanks for the inspiration, I'm glad I went for it!

The only thing that was kind of sad was the plants were just on the verge of really going nuts! I started the tank in April and the roots were just hitting the dirt layer. Some of the root systems were pretty impressive!

08-11-2016, 11:18 PM
I do 50% WC daily no matter what. But I'm hoping my sump's BB lived through the cleaning. The filter was off for about 4 hours. I don't know when bacteria start dying without water flow?
Thanks for the inspiration, I'm glad I went for it!

The only thing that was kind of sad was the plants were just on the verge of really going nuts! I started the tank in April and the roots were just hitting the dirt layer. Some of the root systems were pretty impressive!

Same here. You don't realize how many roots are under all that gravel. Makes you feel a little better though when you see how much junk comes up along with those roots. Its amazing how much stuff is in there when you think it's clean.

I deep vac'd every water change. Got to the point where hardly anything was getting sucked up after reducing plant load. Boy was I wrong. Was still so much junk in there

08-12-2016, 03:38 AM
LoL. :-) . I like your thread name :-) .
No better tribute to Ryans work and comparison pics than this .

Great job Neptune. Having almost baby discus , this was at least what you could do about them .
They'll feal much better and grow faster in this new environment , that's for sure .

As a tip for better cleaning sand I would recommend to mix the open area sand with your fingers while siphoning and WC -ing

08-14-2016, 09:36 PM
Well they have had the weekend to settle in. They are really fun to watch float over the open area and puff the sand! When I fist look in the tank in the morning there are little divots all over that area. Then the corys smooth them out over the course of the day.

Colors getting better every day. Eyes are crystal clear. They are eating like pigs..they follow me around the room. But they are addicted to Omega color flakes...they love the stuff! I feed them a variety but for some reason the Omega flakes are their favorite!

08-17-2016, 10:13 PM
lovely, i def perfer the new brighter look, very sharp and lights up the discus just right

08-18-2016, 08:33 AM
little cutie patooties. Good job on the changes, your fish will really show you thanks for it.

09-01-2016, 07:55 PM
Just thought I'd post some new picts. Coming up on about a month on the substrate change. The group is growing a lot. But I got a wonky one that does not do well with WC's!

09-01-2016, 08:06 PM
Looking good. I see a sterbai and a skunk in there too. I have a mixed group of sterbai and emeralds with one lone skunk. We call him stinky lol

09-01-2016, 08:12 PM
There is a total of 9 sterbai two melini and two metae. That is partly why the sand is so clean. They really work it over. They are really fun to watch too. They don't really like the white big open space so they come out in a big heard and work the area over. Then they go back onto the island and hang out. It's cool to see the big school of them!
I thought I may have some spawning action with them by now, but I don't drop the water temp. at all on water changes. That has really triggered spawning in my other tanks.

09-02-2016, 01:06 AM
There is a total of 9 sterbai two melini and two metae. That is partly why the sand is so clean. They really work it over. They are really fun to watch too. They don't really like the white big open space so they come out in a big heard and work the area over. Then they go back onto the island and hang out. It's cool to see the big school of them!
I thought I may have some spawning action with them by now, but I don't drop the water temp. at all on water changes. That has really triggered spawning in my other tanks.

Nice. Sometimes mine are out often they are very shy. I hate when they hide out. I see them out much more under moon lights

09-23-2016, 09:04 PM
Group continues to color up and grow.
The runt continues to fall further and further behind. But he holds his own in the pecking order.

09-23-2016, 09:33 PM
Much more color and pattern. Fun to watch them change as they mature

09-23-2016, 09:58 PM
Sure is! And one may actually end up somewhat round!

09-23-2016, 11:03 PM
Lol! He will be the one swimming around with his nose in the air

09-24-2016, 01:05 PM
Tanks looking great after the gravel switch Neptune .Simple looking and easy to clean with main focus on your discus.

As for the runt on the pics , he is so stuffed with food on this pictures that he almost look bloated :).
So I guess they surely do not lack any food :).

09-24-2016, 03:20 PM
the runt had the dreaded white poo a couple weeks ago. Fed it a course of metro flakes from Angelsplus. Cleared him up and he gorges himself!
They are pretty funny, when I stick my arm into the tank to clean or press FDBW to the glass they pull the hairs on my arm!

09-26-2016, 09:11 AM
gah those bellies are so full. they look so cuteeee!! love the pictures OP

09-26-2016, 02:05 PM
Thanks everyone! Ya they are PIGS! They attack my arm when I stick the FDBW to the wall!

10-03-2016, 03:43 PM
Wow-really nice job. I'm getting ready to rescape my 125 gal. Where did you put your fish while you changed everything out? Is there a thread on that somewhere?

10-03-2016, 04:18 PM
Wow-really nice job. I'm getting ready to rescape my 125 gal. Where did you put your fish while you changed everything out? Is there a thread on that somewhere?

Go back to page one...see post #2. That is where they were housed for about four hours while I tore down and refilled.

10-03-2016, 06:00 PM
Wow-really nice job. I'm getting ready to rescape my 125 gal. Where did you put your fish while you changed everything out? Is there a thread on that somewhere?

Hey patty. I went through the process just before Neptune here. I used a 20 gal tote with heater and air stones.

I was so scared to undergo the process but thanks to the members here they helped me feel comfortable with taking the plunge.

As Neptune is I am thrilled that I made the change. It's def worth the work

10-03-2016, 07:13 PM
Hey patty. I went through the process just before Neptune here. I used a 20 gal tote with heater and air stones.

I was so scared to undergo the process but thanks to the members here they helped me feel comfortable with taking the plunge.

As Neptune is I am thrilled that I made the change. It's def worth the work

Yep, do it! The fish have never looked better! They were no worse for the wear and tear from sitting in the plastic tote for 4 hours.
I truly believe I would not see the growth I'm seeing if I had not cleaned up my act!! LOL.. AND its still somewhat dirty! Moved some stuff around on tonights water change, lots of stuff still in there!
If I had spent a ton of money on fish I would sure go bare bottom!

10-04-2016, 09:18 PM
Okay! Wow! That's a pretty bold move, but I'm going to do it in a couple months. I'm going to start soaking my wood this weekend. I'm getting a rwenty gal tank Fri that I can use as a hospital tank (hopefully NEVER!) I have mine in a bare bottom now, but I'm going to do a light pool sand in the big tank when they are ready. I have some tank mates In the 125 gal now so I will have to pick a hero fish! Ugh I can't even think about it now!
I know you guys will help me when I'm ready. Thanks. I love this forum! I couldn't have come this far without your constant encouragement and advice!
Both your tanks look awesome!

10-04-2016, 09:33 PM
Here's a pic of them having some flakes.

10-04-2016, 09:49 PM
Here's a pic of them having some flakes.[/QUOTE]

Love the choice or your group they all look great. Was just rearranging mine more last night. Just posted the recent move. Believe me it never ends :). Don't be too worried about the change and transferring fish to temp holding. That's what scared me most.

I remember some great advice that Kenny gave me when I picked up my fish from him. Never chase a discus always try and "trap" them.

I do have to say one fish took the move rough. Thanks to the forum and especially Kenny they put my mind at ease. A week worth of daily WCs he fully recovered and I think now is becoming my largest fish.

10-05-2016, 02:59 AM
Looks really good! :)