View Full Version : 180 cube ok?

08-19-2016, 03:52 PM
I'm getting back into having discus in my home after a 10 year hiatus. I'm looking at getting some semi adults for a display tank. The tank size is 180 gallon cube (36" x 36" x 30" tall). The filter is a 70 gallon sump with 2 Aquaclear 110's, 4 large sponge filters and a foam insert filter that catches anything before the return pump. The tank right now has a gravel substrate that's about 2" deep, several pieces of mopani wood. Stocked in the tank are a few angels(will relocate), 3 rams, and a few neons and rummy nose tetras. Would a cube tank be ok for 6 or 8 adult discus?

08-19-2016, 05:11 PM
that tank should be fine...will look nice.