View Full Version : How come Hikari Frozen Bio Pure Discus food is not carried in most LFS?

08-20-2016, 11:02 PM
Actually I have three questions:

1. How come Hikari frozen bloodworms is not carried at Petsmart or Petco. Instead, they carry the San Franisco Bay kind. Isn't Hikari considered the superior brand?

2. How come most LFS don't carry Hikari Bio-Pure frozen discus food (http://www.hikariusa.com/diets/bio-pure-frozen-discus/)? Is there something wrong with this kind of food? Or is it just so specialized that very few carry them?

3. What is your opinion on Hikari Bio Pure Frozen Discus food? I think it is relatively new and I haven't seen a lot of reviews on it.


08-20-2016, 11:13 PM
For the last 3 years as a treat I use Hikari Mysis Shrimp and bloodworms because of their 3 Step Sterilize and Fortified With Multi-Vitamins process.

08-20-2016, 11:59 PM
Hikari frozen foods have been around since I've started with cichlids, 10 years ago...I live in SoCal and yea pet co etc, have SF brand and all that..all the other smaller lfs stores carry hikari, if not ask if they can order it.

08-21-2016, 09:53 AM
Profit margin. But in my opinion, hikari bio-gold pellets are extremely overrated and pricey.

08-21-2016, 10:38 AM
For the last 3 years as a treat I use Hikari Mysis Shrimp and bloodworms because of their 3 Step Sterilize and Fortified With Multi-Vitamins process.

I really like the vitamin claims from Hikari as well. I tried feeding mine Hikari Jumbo Mysis shrimp. The discus didn't like it. Did you find that there's a difference between regular and jumbo?

Hikari frozen foods have been around since I've started with cichlids, 10 years ago...I live in SoCal and yea pet co etc, have SF brand and all that..all the other smaller lfs stores carry hikari, if not ask if they can order it.

Hmmm that's a great idea. I never considered asking my store to order it. Thanks!

Profit margin. But in my opinion, hikari bio-gold pellets are extremely overrated and pricey.

Hikari is a bit pricey. But I don't mind paying for peace of mind though.

08-21-2016, 12:06 PM
I really like the vitamin claims from Hikari as well. I tried feeding mine Hikari Jumbo Mysis shrimp. The discus didn't like it. Did you find that there's a difference between regular and jumbo?To honest I did not know that there were regular and jumbo,my local fish store stocks with these http://www.hikariusa.com/diets/canadian-mysis-shrimp/

08-23-2016, 10:15 AM
Again profit margin. The SF Bay Brand is pretty good as far as their frozen blood worms. It's usually the better lfs as opposed to lps chains like Petco or Petsmart that carry the Hikari stuff. Any frozen blood worm brand is also relatively low in protein for what your're paying for as it's mostly expensive water content. Better to buy freeze dried blood worms which is much more affordable and overall has a higher relative protein content by volume as you're getting mostly the good stuff, the protein, and not the extra water.

While I just purchased two packs of Hikari Discus Bio Gold yesterday at $11.29 per package it's usually much more expensive and I saw it the same day at about $16-$17 a package. Hikari Bio Pure Frozen Discus food is probably also a premium food, read "expensive". I don't know if the "Jack Wattley" brand is still available but that was also mucho expensive. How can I affordably feed my fish this way? Answer, I can't.

If you're feeding a very small number of fish then this is still expensive but possibly viable but the old timers and purists will tell you that feeding any number of Discus this way is unnecessarily expensive when many of them feed beef heart mixtures exclusively. None of this expensive stuff is really necessary to keep Discus healthy when there are so many alternatives.

08-23-2016, 12:35 PM
Again profit margin. The SF Bay Brand is pretty good as far as their frozen blood worms.

That's good to know! Thank you! Do you think the SF brand of beefheart is ok?

08-23-2016, 02:01 PM
I don't have trouble ordering Hikari Bloodworms from the wholesaler or the LFS, since they are local in the BayArea. I was ordering one case a month.
As far as SF BayBrand they send me each order thru FedEx.

08-23-2016, 03:08 PM
That's good to know! Thank you! Do you think the SF brand of beefheart is ok?

I wouldn't know about their bh. Probably. I make my own turkey heart mixture. If you're doing this for any real numbers of Discus, at last count I have 25, then you'll probably want to investigate making your own, which isn't difficult.

Btw, this isn't such an incredible number of fish, though I also have various Angels, Rams, catfish, Plecos, etc. But it's also very satisfying to make your own food rather than buying expensive takeout all the time!

08-25-2016, 12:53 AM
I rarely feed blood worms but I do have the SF brand in the freezer. I do feed the SF brand BH plus and fish love it