View Full Version : Questionable Fish from Discus Hans

08-30-2016, 12:23 PM
This is the 3"+ Blue Snakeskin discus that I received from Hans. I purchased five discus (4 x 3" and 1 x 4") and I am happy with the other four. I feel this fish is stunted from the eye to body ratio. I also received a 3" Red Snakeskin with an eye 50% smaller. The pictured fish is not the quality one would expect from a premium distributor with premium pricing.

I asked Hans to replace the fish, but he wanted to treat it as a dead arrival and asked me to pay the $75 shipping cost. I shouldn't be out an additional $75 because I was shipped a subpar fish. Shipping a quality fish that dies in transit is one thing, but knowingly (or mistakenly)sending a stunted fish is another, the remedy should not be the same. The initial response to my concerns took two days and his tone was one of being annoyed. He did not spend any time to discuss my concerns or explain to me why the fish was not stunted. There was no expression of regret or admission or a mistake.

The 3" fish were shipped two to a bag despite room in the box to give each their own bag. The fish lost the top quarter of its anal fin to ammonia burns that I feel were exasperated by being doubled bagged. Hans stated that he routinely ships 3 x 3” discus to a bag, which seems to be out of step with other suppliers based on feedback I have received.

I know Hans has a great reputation but I just wanted to share these facts as I am not satisfied with this fish or the outcome and tenor of my interactions with Hans.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-SqeEVMfBlsfMmHpZG2n6FNwjEpP0oIkRypHD3i9OQ7FBEEHqyE kDAZHkHjChpLzHPpYM9YhzQGty_kiVS_yQmPOYvyUI5xGm2x5s MDRKV6nE5evyN5o9j68WWtkF4LF17GT6cFxrBy-giXWv9l8NUXbu56OdLymayI7bW7YV_bBHO7WZ-WmhM9J8pZi4topWUcC5n_9RJum4X72G-OZACUVgVVi3QCrhxcl648MHevGnMpJ3AO7VvDLdV3LNeUBYWqL NfS71qZPU3dfIWS4mUcPzpY5Yjv9PlmFxkwMPGZ2eJbDhRniEj S26An6ST997cBPBUNlEoCfFPSEqvgvnM25vwqsbYrsS3EYCs9n QsnG5SzVAv6rIr4q01iKVIcAzCyHHO-YJwPXme9dBgoEYm2Uvfs_8nLtONfaFRQe7yGSQbsewuTtCTxZr 4pfA6NBUtkscKgY_8uXgpzVzZEJ28epYWcjMnb23YfZalrLRoh CASPwWziJ69vE6VF7VKqsAhY2l4Pw5pg3cNgQBTTKF4hYqF_we RYGKShfLPK7sc_cchnt1-tKXlo-XXVQTCwt-Zl3wkAbKTRoeafYhFM8CFItAuOt2OgCq-ZmVBwYKbw8Q00YBg=w1274-h955-no

08-30-2016, 01:29 PM
You should really use the use the itrader and livestock review board and also find a way to resolve this dispute with Hans.Post like this is not going to help your cause.

08-30-2016, 01:36 PM
This is the livestock review board right?

I have no cause, the issue is closed, which is why I am now posting my review.

Second Hand Pat
08-30-2016, 02:26 PM
You should really use the use the itrader and livestock review board and also find a way to resolve this dispute with Hans.Post like this is not going to help your cause.

This is the livestock review section so in the correct place.

08-30-2016, 02:27 PM
This is the livestock review board right?

I have no cause, the issue is closed, which is why I am now posting my review.My bad .................... yes it is under Livestock and Product Reviews.

08-30-2016, 08:59 PM
Tried to resolve as treating it as a DOA. He could keep the Discus in question and or get a new one shipped with a reduced shipping cost or get a free one on his next order. We couldn't come to a solution.


Second Hand Pat
08-31-2016, 08:07 AM
Note that I have deleted several posts in this thread. The posts deleted were either not first hand experience or discussion oriented points. Please read these two stickies prior to posting here.



Thank you,