View Full Version : Privacy issue!... whatsapp and facebook users read! Zuckerberg Monster alert!

09-08-2016, 10:37 AM
I know that some people are fine with all their info out there and shared freely, exploited with no direct input by the person.Big Brother, Big Business, big everything... Its become more and more prevalent and accepted. I don't fall into that group. Few things get me more riled up . Its why I follow, The Electronic Foundation Frontier (https://www.eff.org/)

If you use Whatsapp read up.. Big Bro Mark Zuckerberg and facebook are looking to mine your Whatsapp accounts.

What Facebook and WhatsApp’s Data Sharing Plans Really Mean for User Privacy

WhatsApp is establishing data-sharing practices that signal a significant shift in its attitude toward privacy—though you wouldn’t know it from the privacy policy update that popped up on users’ screens last week. The new policy lays the groundwork for alarming data sharing between WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook. The update screen that users see, however, mentions only benign new features like WhatsApp calling, and requires a user to click a “Read more” link to see any mention of how the data sharing arrangement will work for users. Where WhatsApp could have offered users up-front information and choices, the UI as it stands buries critical details and options. If WhatsApp wants to merge user data with Facebook, it should give users opportunities to make choices about their privacy—starting with a clearer, more informative UI.
Broader data sharing

While WhatsApp previously passed no user information to its parent company Facebook or vice versa, the new privacy policy allows WhatsApp to directly integrate some user data with the social network. WhatsApp’s update describes this as “improving your Facebook ads and products experiences.” The impact on users and their privacy, however, goes much further.

If you use both WhatsApp and Facebook, this change will give Facebook access to several pieces of your WhatsApp information, including your WhatsApp phone number, contact list, and usage data (e.g. when you last used WhatsApp, what device you used it on, and what OS you ran it on). With confusing wording, the update correctly points out that your phone number and messages will not be shared onto Facebook. This means that your data will not be shared publicly on your Facebook page or anywhere else on Facebook’s platform. Instead, it will be shared with Facebook—that is, Facebook systems and the “Facebook family of companies.” While WhatsApp’s privacy-friendly end-to-end encryption remains, and the company ensures users it will not share their data directly with advertisers, this nevertheless presents a clear threat to users’ control of how their WhatsApp data is shared and used.

In its first privacy policy change since 2012, WhatsApp offers some motivations behind the shift, including detecting fraud and spam, getting a better count of unique users between the two platforms, and enabling “business-to-consumer” communication in the form of appointment reminders, flight updates, receipts, and other commercial notifications typically sent via SMS or email.

Most critically for user privacy, however, sharing this kind of metadata also gives Facebook an enhanced view of users’ online communication activities, affiliations, and habits, and runs the risk of making private WhatsApp contacts into more public Facebook connections. With this new data, for example, Facebook will be able to suggest WhatsApp contacts as Facebook friends. Facebook can also use the data to show “more relevant” ads. In an announcement accompanying the privacy policy update, WhatsApp offers the example of “an ad from a company you already work with, rather than one from someone you’ve never heard of”—a frightening prospect considering the data coordination and sharing required for Facebook to know the companies with whom you do business.
Law enforcement policy lags behind

Despite these expanded uses for WhatsApp data, WhatsApp’s law enforcement policies have not changed along with its privacy policy. In particular, WhatsApp has still not committed to providing advance notice to users about law enforcement and government requests for user data. Providing notice is an industry-wide best practice, and we have noted WhatsApp’s failure to meet it in the past.

With tech companies often acting as the sole gatekeepers between user data and law enforcement, transparency from tech companies regarding data requests is often the only way to give users a chance to get a lawyer, fight overly broad subpoenas, and understand when and why their data is being accessed. Knowing that a certain company is committed to giving users notice could even make law enforcement stop and think twice about unnecessarily broad requests. If WhatsApp is going to move forward with more direct data sharing with private companies, it also needs to make this long overdue commitment regarding public authorities.
Permanent changes and bigger questions

Until September 25, existing WhatsApp users can change their settings to prevent Facebook from suggesting friends or serving ads based on WhatsApp data. We offer a step-by-step guide here.

After that however, new accounts will not have the option to refuse these expanded uses of their data. Instead, the only option available to new users will be whether to join WhatsApp at all under the new privacy policy and all of the data sharing it entails.https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/08/what-facebook-and-whatsapps-data-sharing-plans-really-mean-user-privacy-0

Read here on how to exert what little control you have over the Zuckerberg Monster...


Though I agree that information is always out there on us, I don't agree with other people using that info without my explicit permission.

09-08-2016, 02:13 PM
Thanks for sharing Al, its getting more and more of privacy issue if we lean towards Facebook and co.

Nothing is free in this world!!!! :-)

09-08-2016, 05:16 PM
hence the reason I have no social media accounts anywhere. The younger generation feel there is nothing to worry about, in 5 yrs there will no longer be any privacy for anyone anywhere....think about that for a second and you'll soon understand that a couple of fancy pieces of paper sections wrote 240 yrs ago may just become null and void....

welcome to the NEW East Germany

09-08-2016, 09:18 PM
Whatsapp just got ads put on it or something, I can't bash ol Zuck to much....he's made me some decent money on the stock market because of these type of decisions. I've always thought Elon Musk was a big innovator, but most people overlook Zuckerberg. He has his hands in much more than you may realize. Not to scare you further, but he's all around.

09-09-2016, 01:23 AM
I've been a WhatsApp user for a while. It's how I text and call most of my friends overseas. There is an opt-out option in the settings that lets you disable sharing any information with Facebook. I would suggest people look into that.