View Full Version : Advice on new grass going brown after a few days

09-27-2016, 03:40 PM
Hi, i have a roma 240L tank, i have recently bought some grass for the tank which was all nice and green when i got it and within days its starting to brown a little.

The tank does have discus in so the temperature is always around 30c not sure if thats the obvious problem?

Is there anything i can do to keep it looking good or will it just not work in my tank?

Here is a pic:




09-27-2016, 04:33 PM
Hi James and since this is your first message on this forum I welcome you .
For a start it would be good if you can provide us with some more info and spec. about your tank tech. and what do yo keep from fish and plants .
You can open a thread for your tank in a tank journals section and fill the tank questionnaire to help other members help you with advice.

Valissneria plant on your pic is the least demanding plant to keep and it goes well with 30C temps.
So maybe its just still adjusting to the new conditions in your tank.
The red plant behind is Althernanthera reineckii and that is a demanding plant which will probably die without proper lights, Co2 addition and adding fertilizers.
So with proper lights and at least 1 inch gravel I think you got a chance to keep the Valissneria growing .
Pictures from your tank would also be appreciated.
HTH, Filip

09-27-2016, 06:12 PM
Very common for newly moved/planted Val to turn brown or "melt" as they say- should begin to develop new leaves and tons of runners within a month or so given proper care.Give it time.