View Full Version : Quarantine question

09-27-2016, 09:25 PM

I've been searching for a previous question like mine, but so far I'm only finding ones pertaining to adding new fish into an existing tank.

We want to move an older Discus from his tank into an existing 75 gallon tank, that has 6 new Discus.

We received them from Kenny last week. They have been pooping/eating/acting normal.

Our 4.5 year old Discus, Mr. Blue, has been in a 20 gallon tank since the first week of August. The plan was to eventually get him back in the 75 gallon tank and add some new Discus, however we ended up buying new Discus this month and put them in the 75 gallon, as the 20 gallon would not be a big enough quarantine tank for them.

Mr. Blue had a head-standing issue for a few days in early August after we moved - we had transferred him from the 75 gallon to a 20 gallon. We treated him with the advice from members of this forum and he has been fine ever since. He eats, poops, acts normal.

Since the Discus from Kenny were quarantined and all of them are active and appear to be healthy, do we need to wait a certain amount of time before we move Mr. Blue into the larger tank with the new Discus?

Thank you in advance,

09-27-2016, 10:18 PM
You still need to add your least favorite fish from Kenny to Mr. Blue. It's the same procedure except backwards. I've done in myself.

09-27-2016, 10:57 PM
I myself might be hesitant to add the old fish to your new group. Especially if he has a precious issue. But if you feel all is well then as Liz suggested would be your best bet.

Good luck to you.

09-27-2016, 11:11 PM
Well this sucks...there is no least favorite one. :eek: So basically we are putting one in with Mr. Blue to see if the new one gets sick? UGH....I'm so torn now. Perhaps Mr. Blue will live out his life in the 20 gallon alone....I don't want anything to happen to any of them. :(

Thank you.

09-27-2016, 11:16 PM
If you can manage that... It may be best. How long has he been alone ...?

What is his back story? Did he have mates that are no longer around. How is you end up with a lone discus ...?

09-28-2016, 02:15 AM
Agree with all the rest about "backwards" QT procedure , just want to add if you decide to do it , wait at least a month for the new guys to settle in the new environment and water and regain their immunity , before you put any of them on a test drive with the older guy .

09-28-2016, 09:22 AM
Agree with all the rest about "backwards" QT procedure , just want to add if you decide to do it , wait at least a month for the new guys to settle in the new environment and water and regain their immunity , before you put any of them on a test drive with the older guy .

Thank you. :) I'm a bit hesitant now to even move him into the bigger tank. Must think this through again!!

09-28-2016, 09:32 AM
If you can manage that... It may be best. How long has he been alone ...?

What is his back story? Did he have mates that are no longer around. How is you end up with a lone discus ...?

Hi Phil,

Mr. Blue and his original tank mates came from Kenny 4.5 year ago. His last remaining mate died earlier this year, leaving him alone. :(

Prior to her death, they were stuck together like glue....so this is new to him, being alone. He went into a depression after she passed away, developed a few holes in his forehead area and quit eating. He was so depressed, it was sad to watch.

In August we moved him to a smaller tank and moved him into our new home, after the initial shock of the move and recovering from the headstanding, he perked up and looks much better and he really has been more interactive with us and acts much happier...no clamped fins, very excited when I hang out by his tank and talk to him etc.

It's not a problem leaving him in the 20 gallon, it's just sad he has no more tank mates, but I don't want to endanger any of our new babies, nor do I want to do anything that would harm Mr. Blue.

09-28-2016, 10:01 AM
Geez what a tear jerker! I am sorry I asked! Haha, so sad, yet so noble what you guys are doing and the care you have provided! Kudos to you and your family...

Honestly, as sad as it is for him to be alone, it is probably for his best health and safety. I would give him the best life you can and nice clean water in the 20...

After all he has been through... Here are a few whats if's... You just got new young hungry babies... What if the hero fish and him don't get along. What if he gets in the tank and becomes low man on the pole?

I think these things could spell his demise... If I were you I'd keep him in the 20 and enjoy him the best you can and vice versa. Tell him hes a show fish and constantly being shown for prizes ;)!! LOL

09-28-2016, 10:04 AM
After reading the saga, I'd really like to see a picture of Mr Blue!

Good luck :)

09-28-2016, 02:37 PM
Geez what a tear jerker! I am sorry I asked! Haha, so sad, yet so noble what you guys are doing and the care you have provided! Kudos to you and your family...

Honestly, as sad as it is for him to be alone, it is probably for his best health and safety. I would give him the best life you can and nice clean water in the 20...

After all he has been through... Here are a few whats if's... You just got new young hungry babies... What if the hero fish and him don't get along. What if he gets in the tank and becomes low man on the pole?

I think these things could spell his demise... If I were you I'd keep him in the 20 and enjoy him the best you can and vice versa. Tell him hes a show fish and constantly being shown for prizes ;)!! LOL

I think that is where we are heading!! He is really a sweet guy...and he loves when we hang out by the tank or hell, even walking up to it, his fins get supper flappy and he gets so happy!! :fish: We placed his tank in between our two bird cages, so he can literally look over and see the birds on either side...and oh, how the Starlings go crazy when we feed Mr. Blue! It's like a zoo! LOL

09-28-2016, 03:13 PM
Pics please!!!

09-28-2016, 05:02 PM
Pics please!!!
Here you go!! I've included a pic of the new babies....both tanks and one of Mr. Blue.:fish:


09-28-2016, 06:28 PM
Here you go!! I've included a pic of the new babies....both tanks and one of Mr. Blue.:fish:


I admire your attitude and connection towards your old discus Tesla fan . Whatever you choose to do with him I'm sure he will end up happy , because he in the right hands :).

09-28-2016, 07:39 PM
Do both Mr Blue and the new fish share nets, fingers in the water, and water change equipment?

09-29-2016, 12:36 AM
Do both Mr Blue and the new fish share nets, fingers in the water, and water change equipment?

No, they don't. :fish:

09-29-2016, 12:38 AM
I admire your attitude and connection towards your old discus Tesla fan . Whatever you choose to do with him I'm sure he will end up happy , because he in the right hands :).

Thank you!! I love him so much! :)