View Full Version : Holiday food for discus plus other community fish

10-02-2016, 08:03 AM
Hi, I am going away for 4 days and never had to give holiday food to discus before only the community fish, what would I be best putting in for them, will the normal holiday for for community fish be fine?


jim LI
10-02-2016, 09:37 AM
Don't feed them . they will be fine. discus can go a couple of weeks between meals. and you will only foul the water by feeding them and not cleaning the waste. do a large w/c before you leave and 1 when you come back home.

Second Hand Pat
10-02-2016, 09:41 AM
Also fast them 24 hours before the last water change. They will be fine.

10-02-2016, 11:26 AM
I just came back from an 8 day trip and did not feed any of my Discus as well as other Angels, Rams, Tetras, etc.

All were fine and even the Tetras that are in my planted 55 gal. with 5 full grown Discus did not become their vacation food.

Prior to becoming a member of Simply Discus I would feed daily when I went away using some very good, and expensive, German automatic feeders but have found this to be unnecessary even when I went away for 14 days. I think this is the better way to go as water changes won't be given to the fish while I'm away and feeding without water changes will tend to degrade the quality of the water.

The other way worked too, but I believe that not feeding is the better way to do it.