View Full Version : Discus behavior question

10-11-2016, 10:24 AM
This is kind of an update but in a different thread because things have turned a 180 in just a few days. That is why Discus are so interesting! But I need some expert feedback to understand what I am seeing.

I moved the driftwood and turned the temperature down to 82 (I guess I was a few degrees too high) to try to help that Asian Pearl that was just being bullied. I posted that about an hour later it was out and swimming happily like nothing had ever happened. This fish and the other tank mates are all between 3.5" to 5" and Kenny is "guestimating" that they were about 4 to five months old when he shipped them a few weeks ago.

The Asian Pearl has now taken over the back corner of the tank where the black corner flow panel is. It is hanging out with the Golden Checkerboard and they are defending the space and are cleaning the panel and taking practice runs like they are laying eggs. In "defending" I should mention she is going head to head lip locking with the Fiamma Rossa that was beating her up a few days ago and fending it off quite nicely. Do juveniles do this typically? Was it the decor change that spurned this new order and behavior? I have no plans to breed in the future so I will feel bad for them exerting all of this energy for nothing... I know it is nature-I keep reminding myself! If anything, it assures me that they are really happy with their living conditions at this point.

I just find this really interesting and would like to hear from some discus keepers that have experience with these quirky things.

Thanks again for the help to get her out from under her "rock".

10-12-2016, 05:22 AM
Jenene , I don't know what is the youngest age of recorded discus mating behaviour , but 4-5 months is surely pretty early IMO .
I have read experiences of discus spawning with 6-7 months age but obviously like in your case , mating can occure even at younger age than this .
Thanks for sharing your experience with us .

There is nothing you can do so far , just enjoy the show and your discus .